Production orale

Publié le 23 janv. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 26 janv. 2015 dans 9A
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Sujet du devoir


Je suis nouvelle sur ce site et j'ai besoin de vos corrections.

J'ai un devoir à faire en Anglais, il s'agit d'un devoir oral.

Voici les consignes :

Your situation

You are an enthusiastic supporter of your favourite English language radio station. You have a very strong opinion about the role of celebrities in the media and the image they vehicle.

Your task

Read or listen to each of the following documents and record a voice message for your local

radio expressing your feelings and your reaction each time. (Each recording must last at

least 1 minute 30 seconds, so you need to justify your reaction with a detailed explanation

of your feelings. You may include references to other celebrities or famous events.)

Doc 1 : Bed in for Peace :

I'm an old hippy and I look back with fond memories and some sadness at what might have been. It was an awakening of the soul that started on the west coast of the USA and spread around the world. A recognition that we are all the same that artificial borders drawn on a map and repressive laws imposed for the common good were not the way to go. The freedom of the individual was paramount provided it did no harm to others and then it all went to hell and now here we are. Forty years later and the world is now finally at peace, great job John. ---- give peace a chance was a nice idea and topical of the time but I'm sorry but if the best you can do for world peace is set in a bed, call the press and tell everyone to embrace free love it is well, not very effective. This was just a bunch of crap to begin with. Those so-called celebrities just do this to get in the news and try to make a name for themselves. They were feeling quite hot at the time and wanted to stay in bed and do what they could do best most likely. They were probably high on weed like the rest of the flower children.

Doc 2 : Prince Harry

Smoked cannabis at 17

Clashed with paparazzi

Wore a Nazi uniform at a fancy dress


Used a racist term to address a Pakistani


Filmed a mock mobile call to the

Queen, saying: ‘Granny I’ve got to go,

got to go, send my love to the Corgis

and Grandpa. I’ve got to go, got to

go, bye. God Save You… yeah, that’s


Doc 3 : Slumdog Millionaire

From the moment the two 8-year-old child stars, Azharuddin Ismail and Rubina Ali, stepped intothe limelight of the film set, of the multi Oscar Awardwinning film, Slumdog Millionaire, they were doomed to becoming the center of controversy. First there came the complaints from their families, that the children did not receive enough compensation for their acting roles, in a movie that has already grossed over $80 million worldwide. Controversy has raged over the studios decision to pay for the children’s schooling, but not give them any large amount of money until they are 18 years old. Two months ago Azharuddin’s family were evicted from their slum hovel and the child star has been forced to live underneath a plastic tarpaulin. There have been a series of clashes with the parents over money, as the studios want the children to have long term benefits from their film debut. “People would rightly question whether giving the children a large amount of money was responsible,” says the film producer Christian Colson. When the studio wanted to take the children to the Oscars, their parents allegedly refused to sign the passport papers, saying they would rather be paid airfares in cash.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

On me demande d'exprimer mon opinion sur ces évènements, voici mes réponses :


- Bed in for Peace

Texte en anglais :

It is that celebrities, due to their popularity, organize actions in order to fight for peace. The Beatles were popular and here John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono have acted to promote peace in the world.  However, I can not find the ratio be photographed in his marital bed to promote peace. It can be I think a form of humour, in any case it is very original!

Texte en français :

Il est bien que les célébrités, de par leur popularité, organisent des actions afin de lutter pour la paix. Les Beatles étaient populaires et ici John Lennon et sa femme Yoko Ono ont agis pour promouvoir la paix dans le monde.

Toutefois, je ne trouve pas le rapport entre être photographié dans son lit conjugal et promouvoir la paix. Ce peut être je pense une forme d’humour, en tout cas c’est très original !

- Prince Harry :

Texte en anglais :

My avi, Prince Harry had been displaced behaviours. By virtue of its function, it must be serious and maintain a good image in the media. It represents the Royal family and therefore must have a good reputation.

It must respect the laws of the country and do not smoke cannabis. Out of respect for others, it doesn't have to hold racist or wear a Nazi uniform, especially in days of remembrance of the Holocaust. It has shocked the public and conveys a bad image of the Royal family.

Texte en français :

A mon avi, le prince Harry a eu des comportements déplacés. De par sa fonction, il se doit d’être sérieux et de maintenir une bonne image dans les médias. Il représente la famille Royale et doit donc avoir une bonne réputation. Il doit respecter les lois du pays et ne pas fumer de cannabis. Par respect pour les autres, il n’a pas à tenir de propos racistes ou de porter un uniforme Nazi, surtout à quelques jours de la commémoration de la Shoah. Il a choqué l’opinion publique et véhicule une mauvaise image de la famille royale.

- Slumdog Millionaire

Texte en anglais :

It is a very delicate controversy. Children played in a movie a very big success, but they live in slums. Their parents believe that they have not received enough compensation. I think it's normal that they want to earn more money in order to provide adequate housing for the whole family.

Texte en français :

C’est une controverse très délicate. Les enfants ont joués dans un film ayant eu un très gros succès, mais ils vivent dans des bidonvilles. Leurs parents estiment qu’ils n’ont pas reçus suffisamment de rémunération. Je pense que c’est normal qu’ils souhaitent gagner plus d’argent pour pouvoir offrir un logement convenable à l’ensemble de la famille.

Pourriez-vous corriger mes réponses ? Merci

- ruedesetoiles -


2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 24 janv. 2015

Bonjour ruedesétoile,

Voilà quelques corrections que je te propose : 

- Bed in for Peace

It's a good thing that celebrities, thanks to their popularity, organize actions in order to fight for peace. The Beatles were popular and here John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono have acted to promote peace in the world.  However, I can not find the link between being photographed into the marital bed and promoting promote peace. It can be I think a form of humour, in any case it is very original!

- Prince Harry :

According to me, Prince Harry has had displaced behaviours. Considering his function, he must be serious and maintain a good image of him in the media. He represents the Royal family and therefore must have a good reputation.

He must comply to the laws of the country and not smoke cannabis. Out of respect for others, he doesn't have to utter racist slurs or wear a Nazi uniform, especially in days of remembrance of the Holocaust. It has shocked the public and conveys a bad image of the Royal family.

- Slumdog Millionaire

It is a very delicate controversy. Children have played in a movie that has become a very big success, but they live in slums. Their parents believe that they have not received enough compensation. I think it's normal that they want to earn more money in order to provide adequate housing for the whole family.

Voilà pour la correction. Je me demande, au vu des consignes qui t'ont été données, si tu ne devrais pas étoffer un peu tes réponses... Je laisse cette question à ton appréciation ! 

Bon courage pour la suite ! 

PS : je tiens à attirer ton attention sur les dangers d'utiliser un traducteur automatique pour tes traductions : ils laissent souvent traîner des erreurs qui sont tellement typiques qu'elles trahissent cette utilisation. A bon entendeur...

Posté le 24 janv. 2015

Bonjour Canard,


Je te remercie de tes corrections et de tes conseils.

- ruedesetoiles-

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