Aide devoir d'Anglais très urgent svp

Publié le 28 sept. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 1 oct. 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Pour les cours je dois faire un texte en anglais, j'ai mis les principales idées, quelqu'un peut corriger svp? très important merciiiiiii

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1/ A Mobile
A century ago it was only used to call, it was unmoving.
Nowadays it uses to call, send text messages and do many other things, it's movable.
In the future, it may change shape according to the situation, it might become a watch, a bulb, it will depend.

2/ A Tv
In the old days it was a simple tv whic projected images.
At this moment we have 3D tv, with it we can have the feelin' of being in the movie, but just be passive.
Later, we could have the feeling of really be a part of the movie, we'll feel the actions and everything.

3/ An Mp3 player
Back in the past it was a record player which needed a CD, it was massive.
Then the mp3 player taken place, it has the same role but it's more little and it doesn't need a CD, but it needs a headphone.

4/ A Gps
A few years ago it was a map
Now it's digital
Later, it could bring the car directly at the desired place.              

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 28 sept. 2014
  1. nowadays we use it to call*... and for many other things*

... the mobile phone's shape may change*  enlève it will depend et rajoute "or another invention"

2. which*; remplace at this moment par currently. je reformule tout le paragraphe: currently we have 3D tv, thaks to it we can have the feelin' of being within the movie.
Later, we could have the feeling of being a part of the movie, we'll feel the actions and everything.

3. remplace massive par heavy... took*... it needs headphones*

le 4. est correct!

voila j’espère t'avoir aidé!

Ils ont besoin d'aide !

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