Dm d'anglais !

Publié le 30 oct. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 nov. 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour j'ai un devoir maison d'anglais à rendre pour lundi, un peu d'aide ? :)
Voici le texte : Richard McDonald designed a new building for the restaurant hoping to make it easy to spot from the road. Thought untrained as an architect, he came up with a design that was simple, memorable, and archetypal. On two sides of the roof he put golden arches, lit by neon at night, that from a distance formed the letter M. The building effortlessly fused advertising with architecture and spawned one of the most famous corporate logos in the world.
The Speedee Service System, however, got off to a rocky start. Customers pulled up to the restaurant and honked their horns, wondering what had happened to the carhops, still expecting to be served. People were not yet accustomed to waiting in line and getting their own food. Within a few weeks, however, the new system gained acceptance, as word spread about the low prices and good hamburgers. The McDonalds now aimed for a much broader clientele. They employed only young men, convinced that female workers would attract teenage boys to the restaurant and drive away other customers. Families soon lined up to eat at McDonald's. Company historian John F. Love explained the lasting signifiance of McDonald's new self-service system : " Working-class families could finally afford to feed their kids restaurant food. "
1) List the main characteristics of the building : - impact on the viewer, - advantages of the design. Quote keywords only.
2) Classify the information given in a grid. Use the following headings : - Old habits, - New habits, - Reputation, - Type of customers. Write the keywords only.
3) Explain in your own words what the last two lines mean.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 31 oct. 2014

Bonjour :)


Déjà, est ce que tu as compris le texte ainsi que les questions? Ou tu as seulement la flemme de faire ton devoir..?

Pour commencer, il faut que tu traduises ton texte, ce sera beaucoup plus simple pour toi. N'utilise surtout pas les sites de traduction tels que Google Trad, Reverso etc..

Prends ton texte et un surligneur et met du fluo sur tous les mots que tu ne comprends pas, ensuite, tu prends ton dico anglais/français et tu cherches les mots. Ne traduis pas mot à mot, fait un sens global, sinon ça ne voudra rien dire. 

Et tu verra ça passera tout seul, en plus le texte est pas bien compliqué.. Et pour répondre, reprends les mots, les temps verbaux de la question, ne te lance pas dans un explication trop compliqué.

En espérant t'avoir aidé..

Ils ont besoin d'aide !

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