Question sur un texte (The pirate queen)

Publié le 31 déc. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 janv. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois répondre à ces quelques questions, mais je ne les comprends pas. J'aurais besoin d'une explication, et si vous pouvez, m'aider :)

Grace O'Malley
1) Queen: angry -> Grace: explain problem (l. 20-52)

Queen Elizabeth I

2) powerful -> respected -> Grace: Gaelic & does not curtsy - > surprised (l.1-5)
3) Grace: Latin - > impressed - > speaks Latin -> open-minded (l.6-16)
4) Grace: no English + rebellion - > reaction (l.17-30)
5) Grace: problem -> positive reaction (l.37-42)
6) remembers -> have her arrested -> authority (l.43-52)

Merci :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

During a meeting, a strange visitor arrives in front of Queen Elizabeth I.
In Gaelic, Grace said, "I bow in respect before the Queen of England." And she bowed. Surprised, Elizabeth said, "Speak in the tongue of this nation, for your words are strange to me, madam, though your bow is pleasing enough.
In England, women of the court usually curtsy".
"In Ireland, Majesty, the women are too busy to bother with such courtly manners," Grace said in Latin.
Hiding her shock that this ruffian who smelled of the sea was speaking in Latin, the tongue of the Church and of learning, Elizabeth responded, also in Latin, "Ah, so you're from Ireland. Then it was the tongue of the Irish you were speaking just now. It's called Gaelic, or so I'm told. Am I correct?" Grace smiled and nodded.
"Then why are you here, madam? What is your business in the court of Greenwich? Why have you appeared without my permission? And why do you not speak in the English tongue to your queen?"
"I chose not to speak English, Majesty, for it is the language of the conquerors of my nation. I chose to speak in the tongue of Ciero and Pliny and Julius Caesar himself."
Affronted, the Queen snapped, "You dare to speak to your queen in that manner?" As the Queen's tone changed, the yeomen began to reach for their swords. The members of her court who had left the audience hall and gathered to listen to the extraordinary interview, though there were few who understood the interchange, were shocked by the Queen's sudden anger.
"Ma'am," said Grace, "if my manner offends you, it's because your servants in my land are offensive to me. And also because your language offends me."
"Then get used to it, madam, for your nation is England. Now and forever."
Suddenly feeling uncomfortable and worried about the reception she was getting, Grace realized that she had to be more guarded before the most powerful woman in the world.
"Majesty, I am not here to argue with you, but to claim back something which was stolen from me. One of your lords, Bingham by name, has stolen that which has no value whatsoever to you, but which is of inestimable value to me."
Elizabeth was puzzled but curious. It was so pleasant to be distracted from the overwhelming affairs of state. And truth to tell, despite herself, Elizabeth was beginning to warm to this strange woman who wore trousers and a leather jerkin and had the audacity to answer her back in a way in which no man had dared to do these last thirty years.
And suddenly Elizabeth's eyes widened in shock. The mention of the name Bingham immediately made things clear. Elizabeth realized that she was standing not two feet from a woman she'd vowed to hang from a scaffold, and whose head she had promised to impale on a spike at Traitors Gate in the Tower of London.
Softly, Elizabeth said, "You're the Irish pirate woman, Grace O'Malley."
Grace nodded.
"You dare to enter my palace?"
"I would enter Hell itself to reclaim my lovely boy."
Elizabeth turned to the captain of her guard. "Arrest this woman."

Aland Gold, The pirate queen, 2006.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 31 déc. 2011
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