Traduction texte français à anglais

Publié le 30 oct. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 nov. 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

J'ai écris un texte en anglais pouvait vous corriger les fautes svp:). Voici la traduction en Français si ça peut vous aidez.

2) En 1830, le travail et les conditions de vie des ouvriers étaient très mauvaises. En effet, nous pouvons observer grâce aux documents que les ouvriers peut importe leurs âges étaient maltraités.

D'après le document 1, Harris aged de 37 ans, était un ouvrier qui pouvait être considéré comme un esclave. En effet, il nous raconte qu'il travaillait avec les mains et les pieds enchainés. Son travail était très pénible car il travaillait dehors dans une fosse, sans aucun abris contre la pluie, Harris avait donc les pieds dans l'eau pendant les heures de travail. De plus, le travail réalisé nécessiter une force physique importante, Harris ne supporte donc pas son travail car il jugeait qu'il n'était pas assez fort.
D'après le document 2, Thomas Thew aged de 10 ans, a été un trappeur pendant 6 mois. Cependant il aimait sont métier (car à l'époque les enfants allait travailler dans des situations parfois extreme et le travail de Thomas était alors considéré comme une chance par rapport aux autres). En effet, il raconte que quand il partait à la chasse tout le groupe ne revenait pas (certain pouvait mourir). De plus, il ne gagnait que très peu d'argent alors qu'il travaillait énormement, malgrès cela il restait heureux. Enfin, si l'ouvrier avait le malheur de s'endormir pendant son travail il recevait des coups de bâtons.
Nous pouvons conclure que les ouvriers de 1830 travaillaient pour la plus part dans les champs ou dans les mines et les plus jeunes eux étaient des trappeurs. Cependant les conditions de vie étaient médiocre, les ouvriers travaillaient pendant des heures pour près peu d'argent. Le travail était difficile physiquement avec parfois des risques de mort.


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

2)In 1830, the work and the living conditions of the workers were very bad. Indeed, we can to observe with the documents that the workers no matter their ages were mistreated. According to the document 1, Harris aged of 37 years, was a worker who could be considered as a slave. Indeed, he tells us that he worked with hands and chained feet. His work was very painful because it worked outside in a pit, without any shelter against the rain, Harris thus had feet in the water during the working hours. Furthermore, the realized work to require an important physical strength, Harris does not thus support its work because he judged that he was not rather strong. According to the document 2, aged Thomas Thew of 10 years, was a trapper during 6 months. However he liked his job (because in the past period the children were going to work in situations sometimes extreme and the work of Thomas was then considered as a luck compared with the others). Indeed, he tells that when he left to the hunting all the group did not return (some could die). Furthermore, he earned only very few money while he worked enormously, nevertheless he remained happy. Finally, if the worker had the misfortune to fall asleep during his work he received blows with a stick. We can end that the workers of 1830 worked for the greater part in fields or in mines and the youngest they were trappers.However the living conditions were mediocre, the workers worked for hours for later few money. The work was difficult physically with sometimes risks of death. 

7 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 oct. 2014

We can to observe : Non! We can observe ! Ou we notice ( nous remarquons )

Posté le 30 oct. 2014

In 1830, the work and workers'  living conditions  were very bad. Indeed, we can observe thanks to documents that the workers no matter their ages were mistreated. According to the document 1, Harris aged of 37 years, was a worker who could be considered as a slave. Indeed, he told us that he worked with hands and chained feet. His work was very painful because he worked outside in a pit, without any shelter against the rain, Harris thus had feet in the water during the working hours. Furthermore, the realized work require an important physical strength, Harris does not support its work because he judged that he was not rather strong. According to the document 2, Thomas Thew aged of 10 years, was a trapper during 6 months. However he liked his job (because in this period children were going to work sometimes in extreme situations and Thomas' work was then considered as a Lucky man compared to the others). Indeed, he tells that when he was going to the hunting all the group did not return (some could die). Furthermore, he earned only very few money while he worked enormously, nevertheless he remained happy. Finally, if the worker had the misfortune to fall asleep during his work he received blows with a stick.  To conclude the workers of 1830 worked for the most part in fields or in mines and the youngest were trappers. However the living conditions were mediocre, the workers worked for many hours for few money. The work was  physically difficult with sometimes risks of death. 

J'ai corrigé et fait attention j'ai enlevé des mots

Posté le 31 oct. 2014

Merci beaucoup tu m'a bien aidé ;)

Posté le 30 oct. 2014

In 1830, the work and workers'  living conditions  were very bad. Indeed, we can observe thanks to documents that the workers no matter their ages were mistreated. According to the document 1, Harris aged of 37 years, was a worker who could be considered as a slave. Indeed, he told us that he worked with hands and chained feet. His work was very painful because he worked outside in a pit, without any shelter against the rain, Harris thus had feet in the water during the working hours. Furthermore, the realized work require an important physical strength, Harris does not support its work because he judged that he was not rather strong. According to the document 2, Thomas Thew aged of 10 years, was a trapper during 6 months. However he liked his job (because in this period children were going to work sometimes in extreme situations and Thomas' work was then considered as a Lucky man compared to the others). Indeed, he tells that when he was going to the hunting all the group did not return (some could die). Furthermore, he earned only very few money while he worked enormously, nevertheless he remained happy. Finally, if the worker had the misfortune to fall asleep during his work he received blows with a stick.  To conclude the workers of 1830 worked for the most part in fields or in mines and the youngest were trappers. However the living conditions were mediocre, the workers worked for many hours for few money. The work was  physically difficult with sometimes risks of death. 

J'ai corrigé et fait attention j'ai enlevé des mots

Posté le 30 oct. 2014

Une faute que tout le monde a oublié on dit pas Harris aged of 37 years

On dit au présent Harris is 37 years old donc au passé Harris was 37 years old :)

Posté le 31 oct. 2014

Ah oui, j'avais oublié cela :)


Posté le 30 oct. 2014

Par contre je trouve que ta conclusion n'est pas logique par rapport à ce que tu dis avant, tu parles en effet du travail des enfants en disant qu'ils étaient souvent trappeur alors que c'est le contraire, ils étaient souvent dans les mêmes conditions que les adultes et subissaient les mêmes travaux qu'eux. Trappeur était en quelque sorte une bénédiction bien que les risques soient aussi présents.

Voilà, c'était juste un petit plus pour ton travail

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