
Publié le 24 nov. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 27 nov. 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour je dois réaliser un dialogue que j'ai finis en y mettant "should" et les comparatif 'less' 'more' et 'as'.

J'aimerai savoir si je peux rajouter des choses et si j'ai fais des fautes merci !

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

L : Hello, what’s up ?

M : Hi, we were thinking about if we should go to the restaurant

O : yes and we should go to the italian restaurant

C : No I don’t want that, I think we should go to macdo

L : and why that ? why we don’t go to the salad bar instead of all your proposition ?

C : because macdo is more good than the salad bar

M : I think we should go to the chinese restaurant because it’s more healthy than macdo

O : I agree but you know the italian restaurant is as good as the chinese restaurant

L : maybe but I really want to go to the salad bar and it’s less cheap than the chinese restaurant

C : okay if it’s what you think but you know macdo is more cheap than the salad bar

M : I don’t think it’s more expensive, I think macdo is as cheap as the salad bar

L : Yes and if you only take a salad it’s less expensive than if you take a hamburger with fries

O : I don’t agree with you, I don’t want to go to the salad bar because when you look Inside of your plate it’s less appetizing than an italien plate

M : I don’t want to go to macdo because it’s unhealthy but I don’t care if we go to the italian restaurent because it’s less far away than the others restaurant

O : So what are you decided ?

C : I just want to go eat so i’m okay with the italien restaurant

L : okay but the next time we should go to the salad bar

M : or maybe the chinese restaurant

C : we will see later

O : okay so for the moment let’s go to the italien restaurant !

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 24 nov. 2014

Phrase 2 : we were wondering if we should 

5 : why shouldnt we go 

6 : because the salad bar is not as good as mcdo 

9 : less expensive

10 : même que 9

15 : what did you decide 


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