écrire une lettre en anglais

Publié le 24 sept. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 27 sept. 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

write a perfect letter of interest for a fraternity or sorority.

1.Supply your name,mailing adress,telephone number and email adress.

2.Press on your return key two times,then type today's date.Ensure that the date is aligned to the left.

3.Push your return Key twice to create a double space,then include the fraternity/sorority name.Hit the return key once more and include the city,state and ZIP code of the group.This information must also be aligned to the left

4.Double space and address the fraternity/sorority in a formal manner of yoyr choosing.

5.Explain why you are seeking to join their fraternity/sorority.Put a space beetween each and every paragraph in your letter.

6.Dicussing your hobbies and interest.Mention your personal and academic achievements.Supply anny relevant information about your leadership skills,if you have any


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