Rédaction d'une Lettre d'amour marrante

Publié le 17 févr. 2014 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 27 févr. 2014 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour ! J'ai une lettre d'amour "marrante" à faire en anglais. J'ai réussi à créer le support avec les rubans les fleurs et tout ce qu'il va avec et j'ai aussi fait mon texte. Mais le problème c'est que je ne suis pas très douée en Anglais et je n'ai pas trop confiance aux sites de correction donc je voulais savoir si vous pourriez lire ma lettre pour voir si vous voyez des fautes et me les signalez si possible... Merci d'avance!! ^^


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Dear Sarah,

I'm writing this letter in order to tell you that how important you are for me. We've been best friends since 5 years now and we have shared full of things that i'll never forget!

Quarrels often for ridiculous reasons as : "It's my turn to serve cards! " "The last Fajitas it's mine!!" Seriousely we are worse than children!
Though we have shared many of good moments like this study strip in Spain! And even if it trained a lot of the week or that we were soaked to the skin it was OUR FIRST JOURNEY TOGETHER.
I remember when you fell thanks to the train ! It was hilarous!
Or we were so always together that we was called "The inseparable"!

today whereas I'm not anymore in Les M******* our friendship is always so strong proof that even if we are separed we are well left to be best friends for severals years ! for the best (and also the worst :p )

To conclude I want to tell you one thing : Thank you for being always there for me and i Love you !
voila j'espère qu'il n'y a pas trop de fautes >_<

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 févr. 2014

Bonjour !

Ton texte est vraiment pas mal ! Je t'ai corrigé en gras quelques petites fautes.


Dear Sarah,

I'm writing this letter (in order to tell you that) to show you how you are important (you are) for me. Now, We've been best friends (since) for 5 years (now) and we (have) shared full of things that i'll never forget!

Quarrels often for ridiculous reasons as : "It's my turn to serve cards! " "The last Fajitas it's mine!!" Serious(e)ly  we are worse than children!
Though we have shared many of good moments, like this study strip in Spain! And even if it rained (trained) a lot of the week or that we were soaked to the skin it was OUR FIRST JOURNEY TOGETHER.
I remember when you fell thanks to the train ! It was hilarious!
And because we were always together, people called us (Or we were so always together that we was called) "The inseparable"!

Today, whereas I'm not anymore in Les M******* our friendship is always so strong (proof) that even if we are separed, we are well left  (expression française, essaie changer la phrase en détournant cette expression ! :D) to be best friends for several(s) years ! For the best (and also the worst :p )

To conclude, I want to tell you one thing : Thanks you for being always here (there) for me and i Love you !

Your [...] (signature)


Posté le 21 févr. 2014

Merci beaucoup pour cette correction et pour ce compliment je vais pouvoir écrire ma lettre au propre j'espère avoir une bonne note grâce à vous ^^ Juste lorsque c'est en parenthèses c'est que je dois supprimer? :)

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