Devoir à rendre pour lundi

Publié le 27 mai 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 mai 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Pouvez vous m'aider à repondre aux question  à l'aide de l'épisode " Everybody hates Chris - The Leather Jacket :


Find the words :

1- a Young person between 12 and 20 : .............................

2 - money given every week by your parents so that you can buy what you want :......................=....................

3 - keep your money, not to spend it immediately after having earned it : .................................

4 - bring papers to people's door : ......................

5 - put groceries in a bag : ..........................

6 - to get money when working : ..................................


Answer the questions :

1 - Where does the scene take place ?

2 - When ? Who is the narrator ?

3 - What does Chris want ?

4 - What for ?

5 - What does he decide to as khis parents ?

6 - What is his father's reaction ?

7 - What does his father suggest ?

8 - What jobs did Chris apply for ? Explain why it didn't work.

9 - What does he decide to do ?

10 - Explain his obligations :

11 - Did he manage to get the money he needed in the end ?

12 - But what was the problem then ?

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 27 mai 2016

en français

Find the words :

1- a Young person between 12 and 20 : ............adolescent .................

2 - money given every week by your parents so that you can buy what you want :.............argent de poche  .........=....................

3 - keep your money, not to spend it immediately after having earned it : .............économiser ....................


6 - to get money when working : ........salaire ..........................

Posté le 27 mai 2016

Salut !

Il te faudra trouver les mots en anglais, selon moi ce sont ceux-là en français :

1- Adolescent

2- Argent de poche

3- Économiser

4- Prospection/Porte à porte

5- Emballer

6- Salaire


Pour les questions regarde l'épisode attentivement et réponds-y, elles n'ont pas l'air très compliquées !


Posté le 27 mai 2016


Posté le 27 mai 2016

Bonne suite!


Posté le 28 mai 2016

merci ^^

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