IMAGINE a dialogue between the owner of a house and someone who is looking for a room to rent.

Publié le 25 sept. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 sept. 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

IMAGINE a dialogue between the owner of a house and someone who is looking for a room to rent.

* As the owner give the information about the rent/ the house/ the other flatmates/ their routine/ask questions to know more about the "futur flatmate"(routine...)
*As a future flatmate ask questions about the other flatmates/talk about yourself/your hobbies/routine/habits....

Use the vocabulary and the structures studied in class(they rarely , they dont often , every day ; outgoing ; usually , the room is furnished the bed and the matress are new , the rent in £250 a month the house is composed of 5 upstairs and 1 downstairs

exemple script

Alice: Hi i'm Alice . Are you karl ?
Edward: No i'm edward. Karl's soory but he has an important appointement today.Come on in do you want of cup of tea?
Alice : Yes please. How many people live here ? And how many rooms are there?
Edward The are five of us , Eileen, Amanda , Karl, Marcello and my self.Don't worry , we have our own rooms.Rhere are five rooms upstairs and one down stairs this is the libig room.The kitchen is over there and there are two bathrooms.
Alice: Can i see my room?is it furnished?
Edward : Yeah. Yours is downstairs.The bed and the matress are new.Do you like it ?
Alice: it looks perfect. I like the bow window! How much is the rent?
Edward: it's 250 £ per month with an extra 50 pound for electricty and water.
Alice: That's okay. Do you often have parties?
Edward: We don't often invite guests and we rarely have parties.
Alice: Really? I tought the italians loved parties?
Edward: Well Marcelo isn't very outgoing and he gets up at 5a.m every day.
Amanda : Hi there!
Edward: Amanda, this is Alice , our new flatmates. She is australian
Amanda: Nice to meet you, Alice . do you like our flat?
Alice: Yep, it looks so comfortable.Wow! A piano! is it karl's?
Amanda: Nope it's Eileen, our irish flatmate. Karl doesn't play an instrument
Alice: How often does she practise ?
Edward: She usually plays between 4and 4 pm . Is that a problem?
Alice: Not at all. I play the electric guitar and i have to practice every day too
Edward: Really?

Alice: Yep , i want to be a rock star?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je nai rien compris svp cest urgent

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