Lettre de motivation section anglais européen 2nde

Publié le 16 juin 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 19 juin 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir


Souhaitant intégrer une classe européenne anglais dès la seconde l'année prochaine, et j'aurais donc besoin de votre aide pour corriger, me conseiller ou même pour modifier des choses qui ne vont pas!

Je dois la rendre demain et avant de la recopier, j'aimerais donc vos conseils!

Voilà la lettre ci-dessous, merci.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Objet: Integrate the English European section.
Madam, Sir,
I am writing you to announce my motivation to integrate the English European section.
I would like to integrate this English section because this option will allow me to improve my English level. This language represent for me a useful and necessary language, because I plan to do my studies in translation. Further, it would be a real advantage in professionnal domain.
In this way, I think the opportunity to study history in a foreign language is something that will allow me to become bilingual, and be able to communicate everywhere in the world through an international officially recognized language, because English is speaking by 1,8 billion people in the world.
I went at England last year. It allowed me to meet an English family and discovered their routine, all traditions and also the cultural differences between France and England. I would really like to go back there.
I am aware that this English European section will require additional work, but my passion for English language is a real motivation.
I am looking forward to hearing you soon, and hoping for a favorable answer. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 16 juin 2016

Coucou, alors je trouve ta lettre très bien construite juste 2-3 petites fautes:

this language represents to me

English is spoken

Bonne chance!

Posté le 18 juin 2016

C'est pas "I am writing to you" ?  

Posté le 18 juin 2016

Madam, Sir,
I am writing you to announce my motivation to get into the English European section.
I would like to join this English section because this option will enable me to improve my English level. This language will probably be more than useful and necessary, because I plan to do translation studies. Furthermore, it will be a real advantage in the professional domain.
In this way, I think the opportunity to study history in a foreign language is something that will enable me to become bilingual, and be able to communicate everywhere in the world through an international officially recognized language, because English is spoken by 1,8 billion people in the world.
I went to England last year. It enabled me to meet an English family and discover their daily routine, some of their traditions and the cultural differences between France and England as well. I would really like to go back there.
I am aware that this English European section will require additional work, but my passion for the English language is a real motivation.
I am looking forward to hearing about you soon, and hoping for a favorable answer. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards.

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