Publié le 2 mars 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 mars 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Je doit raconter mes vacances au prétérit : pourriez vous m'aider a corriger mes fautes,

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

During my vacation, I saw my family, I went with some friends, I was at my grandparents, I do my homework, I was in the restore, I was shopping, the Wednesday, March 4 to Saturday, March 14th I left for Germany, I was welcomed in a family naming deutshmann has Hermsdorf I visitéla city then I also visited modlareuh I visited a museum in the village, after noon I was in Waikiki has Zeulenroda, New Year tomorrow I visited Leipzig is a large city (over 500 000 inhabitants), we had a farewell party, a sports tournament this was the return to Ruffec on Saturday 14: 00 I was visited high schools.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 2 mars 2015

During my vacation, I saw my family, I went OUT with some friends, I WENT at my grandparents, I DID my homework, I was in the restore, I WENT shopping. ON Wednesday to Saturday I WENT to Germany, I was welcomed in a family CALLED deutshmann has Hermsdorf. I VISITED the city then I also visited modlareuh I visited a museum in the village, after noon I was in Waikiki has Zeulenroda, New Year tomorrow I visited Leipzig is a large city (over 500 000 inhabitants), we had a farewell party, a sports tournament this was the return to Ruffec. ON Saturday AT 14: 00 I visited high schools.

Il y a des choses que je ne comprends pas mais voilà déjà la plupart detes fautes corrigées en majuscules.

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