your project imagine a funny legend about Molly Malone

Publié le 17 janv. 2014 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 janv. 2014 dans 10A
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Sujet du devoir

A)-prepare your story.

1.Look at the photo and imagine who Molly Malone met in the street.

a clown. an old man. a leprechaun. a dullahan. a lady. a saillor....


Imagine détails about the creature or person she met.

Use adjectives:

He/she was thin. frigtening. headless. funny. fat. strong.....


Make funny comparisons:

He/she moved/smelled/looked like.....

an old fish, a big bat. smelly socks. an old tomato....


2.Imagine a short dialogue.

Use introductory verbs:

He/she said,"......."    He/she screamed,"........."


3.List your characters'feelings and actions.


He/she was angry. furious. tired,embarrassed. disappointed. frigtened.....



So,he/they ran away.shouted .jumped. laughed. lifted. fought. threw.....



B) Take your pen.

(C2.A2:j'écris un court récit en m'appuyant sur des modèles.)

1.Write the beginning of your story.

One day,Molly Malone saw/met a .......

He/she was...... She had......

He/she looked like.....


2.explain what happened.

He/she took/stole/lost....,so she/he said,"...."

Molly was very .....,so she ..... and he/she sreamed,"......."

Then,he/she fell ......and Molly.........


3.Imagine a funny or surprising ending and give a title to your story.






Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

voila c'est sa moi je n'ai rien fait je n'ai pas encore commencer s'il vous plait aider moi!! c'est à rendre le lundi

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 janv. 2014

je me suis tromper ce n'est pas Arabe c'est Anglais

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