Redaction en Anglais conte

Publié le 5 mai 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 mai 2015 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, Je dois écrire un conte en anglais avec Be+ing prétérite simple en 20 ligne pour lundi mais moi et l'anglais sa fait 2 j'ai besoin d'aide. Merci  

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Nous avons travailler sur la belle et la bête " beauty and the frog " maintenant je dois écrire mon propre  conte invente les personnage ou il vive etc ...

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 mai 2015

et tu en est ou ?

Posté le 5 mai 2015

j'ai trouver un texte traduit en anglais j’espère que sa t'aideras :)) 

Once upon a time in the three suns kingdom, lived a little cute goblin.
His name was Pipo. He worked for a nasty and selfish king. Pipo was beloved, he was generous, gentle and honest. Pipo wasn’t rich but very poor. He just had some clothes and a pair of shoes with holes. He liked sleeping to dream about travels he wanted to do.

One night, there was a storm. Pipo was awake by the noise of the thunder. He opened his eyes...
- Who are you ?!!!
Pipo saw a beautiful young girl.
- I am the “light” goblin’s fairy.
- What are you doing in my house ? In the night ?
- I come to give you a present, a pair of magic shoes.
- What do you say ? Magic shoes ?
The fairy put his hand on Pipo’s old shoes and they turned into a beautiful pair of golden shoes.
- Incredible, amazing !!!!! Said Pipo, it’s a dream, it’s not real.
The “light” fairy disappeared in the night, and Pipo fell asleep.

But in the morning, Pipo woke up.
- What ! Pipo said. It wasn’t a dream, the golden shoes were here.
He wore the shoes and he was in an unknown kingdom.
- How is it possible ?
The “light” fairy appeared.
- It’s the magic pair of shoes, Pipo, and when you wear it, you can travel all over the world.
And the “light” fairy disappeared again.
Pipo was afraid but he was happy.
Every night he wore his magic shoes and went to visit a new country.
But one day, the nasty king of his kingdom knew the existence of the magic shoes and he asked Pipo to come.
- I want these shoes !!! the king said
- But they are mine ! It’s a present !
- Nothing is yours here ! I am the king ! Are you stupid ?
- No my king.

Pipo gave his shoes to the king and unhappily went to his dark little house.The nasty, envious and pitiless king put the pair of magic shoes and he was immediately transported in a dark little house in an unknow country.
- But where am I ? Where is my castle ?
The “light” fairy appeared.
- you are not a goblin, and these shoes are not yours ! I come to take them but you, you stay here !
- But I’m the king !
- Here, you are nothing and you’ll be cruel in this world.
The “light” fairy disappeared and left the king forgotten and poor in a dark little house.
She gave the shoes to Pipo who continued travelling.
Pipo was chosen by the people to become the new king.
He fell in love with the “light” fairy and they married.
They lived happily ever after.
The end

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