Exercice d'anglais

Publié le 30 sept. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 oct. 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir


Enoncé :
Présenter le texte "Samsung's Galaxy Gear is a flop, here's why".
- Title : Anticipation -> Subject (S-V-C) (Faire une phrase sur le titre)
- Presentation of the text (Présenter le texte)
- Personal reaction (Dire son opinion, sa réaction personnelle sur le texte)

Voici le texte (The text) :

Samsung’s Galaxy Gear is a flop, here’s why

One day there will be a new must-have gadget. It will be on every Christmas list.

Right now, the Samsung Galaxy Gear won’t be that gadget. Reviews have been tepid at best, and one report said that the device’s return rate is above 30 percent at Best Buy.

The watch has been described as bulky and clunky. It doesn’t have a “wow” factor. “Using the Galaxy Gear is like having a maid who only takes out the trash: It’s a high price to pay for something that doesn’t offer much added benefit,” wrote one reviewer.
If you thought overhearing cellphone conversations was annoying, imagine them on speakerphone which is the only way to talk on a Galaxy Gear.

There’s certainly potential in smartwatches. But for now, the Galaxy Gear is a digital Maginot Line on your wrist, a technology that borrowed too much from the past instead of going where the world was heading.

Brennen Byrne wrote a smart essay arguing that computers will essentially disappear as they can predict what we need, so we won’t have to interact with them.

Imagine waiting for a bus or train — looking down at your watch — and instantly seeing when your next potential ride arrives. That’s a real innovation, something that changes our lives for the better. But are you going to pay Samsung $300 to check the weather on your watch, rather than pull your smartphone from your pocket?

Combining Google Now — which attempts to offer helpful information before you ask — and a watch might be a winning formula. The company is reportedly nearing a launch of a smartwatch.

It’s too early to say who will make the best smartwatch. Apple is expected to enter the fray as well. Samsung has struck first, but that doesn’t mean the war is over.


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici ma présentation du texte (My presentation of the text) :

The title said that the text explains why the Galaxy Gear, the new watch launched by Samsung, is a failure.

The text explains that reviews about Samsung Galaxy Gear have not been enthusiastic. Indeed, the return rate of the watch is higher than 30 percent.
People described it as too large and difficult to use.
It's expensive for a device that doesn't have much new functionalities, that is not really revolutionary.
Moreover,the conversations on a Galaxy Gear are more unpleasant that on a cellphone because we talk on speakerphone.
Even if the smartwatches have certainly potential, for the moment, the Galaxy Gear is a technology that is again too in the past instead of turn towards the future.
It's an interesting technology but we don't going to pay Samsung $300 to have functionalities that we have in our smartphone.
Combining Google Now and a watch might be a good idea.
Samsung was the first to launch his smartwatch but Apple should do the same. So, we will see who will make the best smartwatch.

My opinion is that Samsung's Galaxy Gear doesn't interest me because even if it's true that it's a technology that has interesting functionalities, I think that it's useless to buy a watch that is expensive to have functionalities that you have already in your smartphone.


Pouvez-vous me dire mes erreurs, mes fautes en anglais, ce qui n'est pas bon dans ma présentation du texte s'il vous plait... Merci d'avance.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 oct. 2014

 The title introduces us to the theme of the text which is “why is the Galaxy Gear, the new watch launched from Samsun, a flop”. The text is about the reviews from customers with the Galaxy Gear, whom are not enthusiastic. Indeed, the return rate is shown as being over 30%. It is described as being too large and difficult to use. It's expensive for a device that doesn't have much new functionality, which is not really revolutionary. Moreover, the conversations on a Galaxy Gear are more unpleasant that on a cellphone because we talk on Speakerphone. Even if the smart watch has certain potential, for the moment, the Galaxy Gear is a technology that was again too in the past instead of a turn towards the future. It's an interesting technology but we are not going to pay Samsung $300 to have functionalities that we have in our Smartphone. Combining Google Now and a watch might be a good idea. However Samsung was the first to launch his smart watch but Apple should do the same. So, we will see who will make the best smart watch. In my opinion the Samsung's Galaxy Gear does not interest me, as even if it’s a new technology with interesting features, I believe that it is useless to buy a watch this expensive to have functionalities that you have already in your Smartphone.

Ton texte était bon a par pour certaine faute, j'ai change certain mot qu'il allait pas ensemble et j'ai aussi rajouter du vocabulaire.

Posté le 4 oct. 2014

Je pense pas que pour présenter le titre tu dois dire: le titre dit que.. Il faut le reformuler!

Pour le reste je ne sais pas quoi dire.. :) ça à l'air bien.

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