Fautes grammaire anglais

Publié le 3 mai 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 mai 2015 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

Posté aujourd'hui, 13:47



Je passe mes oraux du bac la semaine prochaine, est ce qu'il serait possible de voir s'il y a des fautes s'il vous plaît, je pense que oui mais étant d'un niveau assez bas, je ne l'ai trouve pas toutes seules. 


Merci à ceux qui prendront le temps de me répondre.


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I'am going to about the notion spaces and exchange. First of all I would like to give a quick definition of that notion and espacially of the word exchange. It is a continuous movement and circulation. The different spaces of word are nowarday more and more connected to each other.
The exchanges can appear on many forms: trade, information, peaple, culture.
We are going to focus on United States and we want to wondering in what United states are an Space of exchange ?
First we went to see that United states is a multicultural nation of immigrant, and secondy we went see what things favorise this exchange.

United states were populated by waves of immigration, from Europe, then from the world. Between 1970 and 1920, 20 millions european as Italian, Grecs, immigrated in United States.
In class we have seen that 99% of the population are issue of the immigration. This immigrations have differents motive, the first is an economy reason, people come to find a work, to profit to attractive wage Or the brain dain , the second is policical reason, to flee dictature, lots of persons avoid the religious persecutions of their contry and we can quote an other reason, which is personal, for example to live the amercains dream
United States welcoming between 500 000 and 800 000 entered every years. In United states we can find 64% of European, 17% of Hispanique people from mexico, or Cuba 13 % of africain amercain and 4 % odf asian. The Melting pot or salad bowl, are expressions to illustate the population.
Those immigration are a form of exchange because lot of cumunity exchanges their culture. For example wen we went to United states with the school, we went to visited Cheanatan, it is a city when we find lot of Chinise people, we can find restaurant and Chinese store.
It is very intersting because we find a differents people and learn about their community without moving far. We had visited too Harlem and its same of chinintane but it is an other community.

In the political sphere, we can find an other type of exchange, like the ALENA, an regional integration, it is an agreement between 3 contry, to favour the free exchanges, the circulation of capitals, but not persons. This diffrents contry exchanges goods and services.
The United States export in the world their goods, their capital, their services, but also their culture, their lifestyles, their vision of the world.

The spread of the culture and the lifestyles of a country thanks to the media. It is an exchange because some people, take it and adopt it, but their are also a refusal of this lifestyle. The cinema, and social network, conveys the americain's lifestyle. The americanization is a term which was widely used on the XXeme century to describe the influence then exercised by the United States on the life of the citizens of the other countries of the world, this influence propagating all or part of the characteristics of the American culture with the consumer society.
To be even more near of this lifestyle and so discover it, some people particpate to an exchange program. This program as April or Erasmus in Europe permit to discover the contry and learn other things. This year with my class, we had participated to a similar program, it is the PeaceProgram between United States and France. It was so intersting to exhange our culture and our vision of the world.

To conclude we can say that United states it is an real space of exchange, their are lot of instutution which permite to exchange with the world. But Nowaday we can see that this exchange in United States are weakened because the presence of some cummunity disturbs because the culture of one is not accord with the culture of other. We can see that in spacial segragation. In the suburb like Clifton Parck, we find lot of white people and not blaxk people, but in harlem white people are very infrequent. So the exchange is difcult if their are not social mixity.

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