Devoirs d'expression écrite anglais 1

Publié le 13 sept. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 sept. 2014 dans 9A
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Sujet du devoir

Mon texte est rédigé ci-dessous mais je ne sais pas si il comporte des fautes. Pouvez me le dire si possible? Merci d'avance.



Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I went to the cinema today, it was a magical moment. The kid is an amazing film. He did'm gone from laughter to tears in an instant. The story of this father and this son has really touched me, what a relief I felt was when they met ... But I am not n'ny went alone. Elias did with me. I liked it, but I do not know how ... Before the end of the movie he put his hand on mine, I did not move, I found it agréble but .... I don 'did not know what to say and when the lights came back on I went running. Fortunately, he gave me the location of our next meeting. We started a lot to review, sometimes in the afternoon. We go to the movies, all the time, but no known cinema. I love that. But I think I did not tell him enough and probably a lot of me. It's as if I was a stranger to him I think. It's a special relationship too, I myself do not understand much. That's the love?

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 14 sept. 2014

The kid is an amazing film : je ne comprend pas le sens et il vaut mieux dire movie

his son  have reaaly touched

I don't know why

agréable ? que veut tu dire ?

okay si c'est un rendez vous amoureux c'est plus a date que meeting et location ça serait plus the meeting point

Que veut tu dire par review ?

We went watch movies

But I think I did not tell him enough and probably a lot of me. It's as if I was a stranger to him I think. It's a special relationship too, I myself do not understand much. That's the love?

Dis moi ta phrase en français je vais t'aider :)

Merci d'avance


Posté le 14 sept. 2014

The kid is an amazing film : je ne comprend pas le sens et il vaut mieux dire movie

his son  have reaaly touched

I don't know why

agréable ? que veut tu dire ?

okay si c'est un rendez vous amoureux c'est plus a date que meeting et location ça serait plus the meeting point

Que veut tu dire par review ?

We went watch movies

But I think I did not tell him enough and probably a lot of me. It's as if I was a stranger to him I think. It's a special relationship too, I myself do not understand much. That's the love?

Dis moi ta phrase en français je vais t'aider :)

Merci d'avance


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