Notion Mythes et Héros - Anglais

Publié le 20 avr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 22 avr. 2016 dans 8A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, à la fin des vacances de Pâques je passe mon oral d'anglais pour le bac sur la notion de mythes et héros. J'aimerais avoir vos avis sur mon travail et si vous pouvez vérifier les fautes grammaticales ce serait vraiment super. 

Merci pour votre aide ! 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Myths and Heroes

I'm going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First, I would like to remind that myths and heroes base the collective identity of a society. That's why we mainly talked about the British characters. In fact, most of the British characters are related to Britishness in a certain way and, since they've become popular figures, these characters reflect perfectly the characteristics of being British. Also, famous British characters can be seen as Heroes since they do, in fact, have become part of British culture.
We may wonder how the British characters are heroes that give us a chance to see what Britishness really is.
First and foremost, we're going to look closer at Britishness. Then, we may see some of the most famous British characters that embody Britishness.

In fact, Britishness it's the state or quality of being British or embodying British characteristics. It's what binds the British and forms the basis of their identity.
As a matter of fact, like it's said in the first document who deals about the real definition of being British, for the outsiders the Britishness is relate to bad food (like Jacques Chirac as said), rain, tea, the Queen and her corgis, double-decker buses and amongst other clichés that have been spread out by television and films. Most of the clichés are true, like drinking tea all the time, but being British is more than that. Being British is about having a good sense of humour and “being classic with a twist” as Geordie Greig has said. Indeed, Britishness is based on their specific history, including the many wars they didn't lose, the industrial revolution and the British Empire as well as their specific insular geographical position that makes it a unique country. But I believe that one of the shiniest aspects of Britishness is eccentricity and the sense of humour as in the TV serie Little Britain that parodies British people in different situations familiar to them. In fact, the show is mocking practically everybody, showing British people's ability to laugh at themselves.


Therefore, British characters embody all those characteristics. So let's take a look at them.


Firstly, we could talk about the main characteristics of those famous characters. As we've seen just before, British people have a strange sense of humour but mainly they're often describe as eccentric. The document “A B(r)it different” explains us that through eccentricity they express their independence. Indeed, their eccentricity is linked to creativity, in the field of fashion, literature (like J. K. Rowling) but also in music, it has helped to produce some of the best such as the Rolling Stones and The Beatles.
Besides, we've studied one of the most famous British characters through the Trailer for Johnny English. The expression “classic with a twist” can apply here: Johnny English is inspired from James Bond but with the humour of Mister Bean.


To sum up, most of the British characters can tell us about Britishness: from James Bond to Johnny English including Mr Bean and Harry Potter. All of those characters reflect the British way of being : their sense of humour, their beloved tea or their eccentricity. Personally, I love Britishness, their unique sense of humour and creativity that have made some of my favourite characters and music groups.

Fiche de Révision

Mythe et héros


Cette notion fais partie des 4 abordées en anglais en terminale et sur laquelle vous serez évalué.

Elle aborde plusieurs thèmes et vous fait réfléchir sur différentes problématiques en lien avec des situations actuelles ou plus anciennes.

Vous serez amené à vous poser des questions et à réfléchir sur les documents que vous avez étudié en classe afin de les utiliser pour mettre en lumière cette notion de mythes et héros et répondre à la problématique que vous aurez choisi.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 20 avr. 2015

Bonjour, ton anglais est très bon.

Dans ton plan : Then, we may see : Pourquoi utiliser un modal exprimant l'incertitude ? Tu vas bel et bien parler de ce que tu annonces, utilise "will".

It's what binds the British : Je dirais plutôt "Its what binds British people together"

the first document who deals about : le document est un objet, pas une personne donc : "document which". Et "deals with"

Britishness is relate : "related" et pas de "the" devant "Britishness". Il s'agit d'un concept général.

the TV serie Little Britain : "TV series", cela prend toujours un "s"

they're often describe : "described"

Voilà, pas d'erreurs majeures. 
Pour ce qui est du fond, je trouve ça pas mal, il y a une petite touche d'humour qui accroche l'intérêt sans pour autant en faire de trop.
J'espère que mes corrections te seront utiles, si tu as des questions, n'hésite pas ! Et bon courage pour ton oral !

Posté le 24 avr. 2015

Firstly => put instead Firstable it's better i think

Your work is very good otherwise!!!

Posté le 20 avr. 2016

Je trouve que ce que tu as fait est très bien. Tu abordes bien la notion de mythes et héros en anglais et tu as fait très peu de fautes. 

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