Oral de bac en Anglais sur Idea of progress

Publié le 4 mai 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 mai 2015 dans 8A
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Sujet du devoir

Il s'agit d'un entretiens avec un professeur d'anglais dans lequel je vais devoir présenter une notion a l'aide de document 


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai fait une fiche comportant mon développement, mais il n'est pas complet et je ne suis pas sur que ce sois bon , j'aurai donc besoin que quelqu'un me corrige 


Intro : I'm going to talk about " idea of progress". To begin with i'd like to state a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the worl and the socity can evolve positively in therms of science; technology, modernization , living, condition ... However the idea of progress is still debate beteween those who consider that beneficial and those from when it's harmful 

About familly matters , we can see that there are various formes of familly. The society evolues and the familly too . In the document form the book, there is image wich shows us simpsons familly wich was a modern familly to compare as a traditional familly a victorian patriachal familly 

In the last year we can see nex typical of familly like the single parent familly, a blended familly, the in laws appears in the blended familly 

About the comparison of freedom from want by norman rockwelle to littel miss sunshine.We can see similitarities and opposition of the two scenes 

In the scenes is dinnertime but is not the same atmospher. In littel miss sunshine the food is junk food and in the other it's thankgiving. They don't have the same idea of familly. This to familly cook differente, one is traditionnal and the other is modern. The traditionnal familly look like utopique. The grand father look very different in the both familly because one's is a junky and the other is the figure of the familly 

The two scenes represente their time because the society have a evolution 


Conclusion :...

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