Page de journal intime à corriger

Publié le 30 avr. 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 mai 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je dois écrire une page de journal intime d'un soldat renvoyé chez lui après avoir été gravement blessé pendant la guerre de 1914-1918. Ce soldat est logé chez sa soeur après son retour de la guerre.

J'aimerais que vous corrigiez mes fautes si c'est possible. Je vous remercie.

Voici mon texte:

May 9, 1916:

My dear diary,

I finally got home, its feels good. The war si so hard to live. I saw, I felt, I heard horrible things. I think that all those visions, those smells and the sounds will never be effaced from my memory. The war is an atrocity that can change men. Today, I'm no longer the same man that I was in 1914, when I left at the front. The war has changed my vision of life, it change my body also since now I'm condemned with my leg missing. I could no longer do what I did before and it makes me really sad and nostalgic. Before I was the protector of my sister, nom it's she who must take care of me... I'm also very morally weakened. While, I don't say anything to my sister because I know that the mother's death upsets her again and I still don't want to worry anymore. I can't sleep nights, I look back constantly the soldiers who remained in front, those who died on the front, their conditions, their family... I felle responsible for having left them here, while I went back home. I don't want anyone to live what I lived. The war changed your life overnight. I'm glade to be back alive, to see my sister, my family but now I must rebuild my life with all those memories that wille never stop haunt me until I die.

Merci pour la correction.
Amicalement, Julie.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici mon texte:

May 9, 1916:

My dear diary,

I finally got home, its feels good. The war si so hard to live. I saw, I felt, I heard horrible things. I think that all those visions, those smells and the sounds will never be effaced from my memory. The war is an atrocity that can change men. Today, I'm no longer the same man that I was in 1914, when I left at the front. The war has changed my vision of life, it change my body also since now I'm condemned with my leg missing. I could no longer do what I did before and it makes me really sad and nostalgic. Before I was the protector of my sister, nom it's she who must take care of me... I'm also very morally weakened. While, I don't say anything to my sister because I know that the mother's death upsets her again and I still don't want to worry anymore. I can't sleep nights, I look back constantly the soldiers who remained in front, those who died on the front, their conditions, their family... I felle responsible for having left them here, while I went back home. I don't want anyone to live what I lived. The war changed your life overnight. I'm glade to be back alive, to see my sister, my family but now I must rebuild my life with all those memories that wille never stop haunt me until I die.

Merci pour la correction.
Amicalement, Julie.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 avr. 2012
it feels good. The war is so hard to live. I saw, felt and heard horrible things. I think that all those visions, smells and sounds will never be erased from my memory... when I left for the front. it has changed my body. Since then, I have been condemned with my missing leg. I can no longer do what I used to do... I used to protect my sister now she has to take care of me. I am very sad deep inside. I hide my feelings to my sister because our mother's death has affected her and I don't want to worry her. I keep thinking of the soldiers who have been fighting on the front lines or who are dead. I can't sleep at night
I feel responsible for having left them there while I am safe and sound here. The war changes your life overnight. I'm glad to be back alive, to see my sister, my family but now I must rebuild my life with all those memories that will always be with me and haunt me until I die.

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