Anglais . Imagination

Publié le 22 sept. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 24 sept. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour tout le monde

Voila pour demain, je dois faire une lettre a une association pour faire une année sabbatique et partir dans des pays defavorisés, aider la population, j'ai commencer mais je ne suis pas sur de moi et j'aimerais bien trouver une suite

merci davance a tous et toute

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Hello, my name's caroline, i'm 23 years ols and i would like to be part of your community for the culture of underprivileged country, helping to improve daily voyage as Alice (alice est un membre qui a apporter bcp de chose benefique pour l'afrique). I m very intersted to help others and i would like to know my limits i know better me know (?)
I hope that i would accept, and thank you for takinf the time to read my letter.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 22 sept. 2010
hello,my name's caroline.I'm 23 and i'd like to join your comunity to share your culture,and help you as well as did it Alice.I'm very interested in helping other people and i'd like to discover myself - by tasting my limits to their best possibilities by daily helping you.I hope you'll understand my request and grant my wish.Thank you for the time of reading this letter and I 'd like to finish by see you soon,if it's okay for you.

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