Anglais, correction rapide svp

Publié le 30 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 2 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Nous devons écrire un article de journal en anglais traitant d'un débat réalisé en cours entre les différents élèves à propos de l'égalité homme/femme de nos jours dans nos pays. Un groupe d'élève disant que les femmes sont aujourd'hui égales aux hommes, l'autre groupe défendant le contraire. Nous devons faire un minimum de 200 mots.

J'ai déjà effectué le travail mais j'ai peur d'avoir fait quelques fautes.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


Yesterday the polemic debate about the women egality took place. Two sides were fighting. The YES and the NO. The first was composed of Alexis, Quentin, Mehdi and Melissa and the second was composef of Ronan, Stéphanie, Clémentine and Billel. They offered us a very lively debate with more or less good armugents. The YES team talked a lot of famous men who do not respect women. By example they mentioned DSK or Berlusconi. Their opponents did not know what answe. Maybe they should have said than they are just special cases. Furthermore the YES said than women were not enough represented in gouvernements in Europe. Indeed almost every president or prime minister are men but they are elected, so it is the people in general who maybe trust easily in men than in women. After they used bad argument, they talked about the lot of girls in the poor country who have not the right to study. That's true, everyone agrees but the subject is our country, it means in Europe or USA. Moreover they said than women have got the right to vote long time after men. Once more this is not the subject! Everyboy knows that but we are talking about today! Finally we can't say who has won, but it was very close.

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 oct. 2011
ton texte est bon. :)
Posté le 30 oct. 2011
aucune faute :O ??
Posté le 31 oct. 2011
Yesterday a polemic debate regarding women equality took place. Two sides were fighting. The pros and the cons. The first one was composed of Alexis, Quentin, Mehdi and Melissa and the second one was composed of Ronan, Stéphanie, Clémentine and Billel. They offered us a lively debate with more or less relevant arguments. The pro side hinted at famous men who did not respect women. For example they mentioned DSK and Berlusconi. Their opponents did not know what to say . Maybe they should have said than they were just special cases. Furthermore the pro said than women were not enough represented in European governments. Indeed almost every president or prime minister are men but they were elected by the people. It therefore means that the people may easily trust men than women in politics.. Then they used irrelevant arguments, they hinted at girls in poor countries who were not allowed to study. That's true, everyone agrees but the subject concerns our country, ie. in Europe or USA. Moreover they said that women had the right to vote long time after men. Once more this was not the matter! Everybody knows this that but we are talking about the current situation not the past situation! Finally nobody can say who has won, but it was very tight.
Posté le 31 oct. 2011
effectivement miren75.... a raison :/
Posté le 31 oct. 2011
juste une correction
. Maybe they should have said THAT..........
Furthermore the pro side said THAT women were not

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