Anglais : Texte sur les punks ! (pour corriger mes fautes)

Publié le 12 janv. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 19 janv. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Trouver l'idée principale d'un texte sur les punks, en anglais. J'ai donc fait un (très) petit paragraphe.
Pouvez-vous me dire si je me suis bien exprimée, et corriger mes fautes ? Merci.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

with the document, we learn that punks were rejected by people because they were represented as being nasty and rude ; and their hair was unruly, outdated. Then, people considered punks like "villains" and associated with "animals".
But they were just the steadfast denial of the real world.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 12 janv. 2012
Moreover (de plus) their hair was unruly, outdated.

Thus, people considered Punks like bad people and associated them with "animals".

Je comprend pas la derniere phrase par contre
Posté le 12 janv. 2012
In this document we learned that punks were rejected because they were regarded as nasty and rude people. Their hair was unruly and strange (je ne dirais pas que leur coupe était démodée mais plutôt bizarre) Moreover, they were considered as evils and associated with animals.
But they were mainly the denial of the real world.
Posté le 15 janv. 2012
The document talks about how punks were rejected by people because they are represented as being nasty and rude ; and their hair was out of rules, out of common, outdated*. Then, people started considering punks were bad and associating them to "animals".
But they were just the steadfast denial of the real world.

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