Correction d'un article de journal

Publié le 27 nov. 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 nov. 2013 dans 10A
14.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

New york has been hit by a disaster. One weeks later the journalist writes an article in which he explains how spiderman rescued him and other.

J'ai déja commencé je voudrais juste savoir si il n'y a pas d'incohérence, et si les temps du passé présent sont respecté selon l'action. Et si il y a des erreurs me l'indiquait.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

This day was really special, a strong tidal wave because of earthsquake hitten the USA. All the town was touch by this disaster, the water flooded gradually the town untill arriving around the twenty stage of a building. All is devastated, the cliff was fell. She take all, the cars, the mens. She surged on the coast. You can't imagine what i saw! A lot of people has been drown in this tidal waves. But a man that i didn't know the name, who i never seen before came, he was wearing a costume who looked like a carnaval costume. However he saved us! But how did he do? I still ask me, but i can tell you he had a wonder courage, because foremost, he gone building to building, he checked if people needed help, if yes, he dove at high speed, taking one or two men on his way to prevent from drowning, he reach back to the top and he secured them in a safe area, such as a office or the roof of the building. It's what happened to me, i felt like a missile took me on his way just at time when i would drown, he brought me in a safe place, a office. He repeated this action a hundred or thousands times in this day taking one or two men on his passage, he kept his head not matter the situation, it was my hero, he will remain it, I owe him the life.

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