Devoir anglais expression ecrite 1ere

Publié le 18 mars 2020 il y a 4A par elouahdirania12 - Fin › 21 mars 2020 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour je dois rendre mon devoir d'anglais mais je ne sais pas comment m'y prendre et n'y comment commencer quelqu'un pourrait m'aider

Mia explained that her school is currently debating whether or not to eliminate textbooks and use only e-textbooks or digital textbooks which would require every student to have an e-reader like the iPad. Imagine you are a student at Mia’s school.

Would you argue for or against getting rid of textbooks and using only e-books? What advantages and/or disadvantages would this have?

Use the information from this interview and your own personal experiences and to justify your opinion with details and examples.

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