écrire petite rédac en anglais

Publié le 26 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 31 oct. 2011 dans 12A

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l'alcool chez les moins de 18: positif ou négatif pour les ados?

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Alcohol before 18 years, good or bad ?

In many European countries, drinking alcohol is illegal until are eighteen. Lots of peoples think it's good but teenagers are not agree. During this essay, we are going to weigh the pros and cons to suit a harmonization of thoughts.

Today, teens need to relax at the weekend. That is why they make a lot of party. It's on this occasion teens drink alcohol. It's good for decompress! However parents are always more strict. For example, statistics show that parents often prohibit alcohol to their stripling even if the young is sixteen years old. On the other hand, in Switzerland, teenagers can drink wine and beer from sixteen years and there is no big trouble. Moreover, when a teenager is sixteen, he knows that he needs to drink in moderation. They are no longer babies!

In contrast, alcohol is very dangerous for teens. First, there are so much accidents, for instance when they driving drunk. In addition, when a young person is very drunk, he risks the alcoholic coma and death. Secondly, alcohol is not essential to have fun with friends at a party. Finally, in today's society, we can see that alcohol becomes a mode. That will become very dangerous. In many European countries it's one of the first problem of the public health.

These two views are justifiable, let the teen free to act or give restrictions. I think it is therefore essential to find a good compromise between the two. However, I consider that a teenager is not rather mature at sixteen. Thus, a teenagers must have rules.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 oct. 2011
In many European countries, drinking alcohol is illegal until 18 years old. Lots of peoples think it is fair but teenagers do not agree with this. In this essay, I am going to weigh the pros and cons of being allowed to drink alcohol for teenagers.

Today, teens need to relax at the weekend. This is why they make a lot of party. It's on this occasion that teens drink alcohol. It's a good way to relieve their stress! However parents are always tough with this. For example, statistics show that parents often prohibit alcohol to their children even if their child is sixteen years old. On the other hand, in Switzerland, teenagers are allowed to drink wine and beer at sixteen years old and this not a major issue there. Moreover, when a teenager is sixteen years old, he knows that he needs to drink it moderately. He is no longer a baby !

However, alcohol is very dangerous for teens. First, there are too many car accidents related to alcohol. Teens often drive car being drunk. In addition, when a young person is very drunk, he can suffer from alcoholic coma and then can die. Secondly, alcohol is not essential to have fun with friends at a party. Finally, in today's society, we can see that alcohol is very trendy and that is dangerous. In many European countries it's an important public health problem.

These two views are justifiable, let the teen free to act or give him restrictions. I think it is therefore essential to find a good compromise between the two. However, I consider that a teenager is not mature enough at sixteen to make decisions on his own. Thus, a teenager must have rules and therefore be guided by his parents.

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