La discrimination toujours présente ?

Publié le 21 mars 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 mars 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

J'ai un devoir à faire pour demain. & j'aimerais que quelqu'un corrige mes fautes.

Merci beaucoup.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Nowadays, I think there is still discrimination, but it's less important than before. Indeed, work by example, there is always a problem of discrimination or racism. Foreigners have more difficulty finding work than white men. But in such cons, especially the young foreigners, have a judgment negative to white people and tend to discriminate against white people. But overall, I think Racism is episodic rather than systematic today. There are fewer prejudices, people’s are more ready to judge people on their behavior than on the color of their skin. We all share genetic markers so the idea of race is absurd, we are all fellow human beings. People are more open minded, also mixed marriages are more and more common. Even in schools, there are more lenient and less prejudiced against foreigners. I think all this also depends on our living environment, because not knowing life in the suburbs and other neighborhoods than mine, I can’t tell if discrimination is more or less elsewhere. Racism is not innate or inborn, it comes from fear. So we can overcome our hopeful. The blacks have come a long way from Martin Luther king, one day complete equality will be achieved. We are on the right track.

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 mars 2010
J'ai vu qu'une seul faute donc je te remet le texte ;) :

Nowadays, I think there is still discrimination, but it's less important than before. Indeed, work by example, there is always a problem of discrimination or racism. Foreigners have more difficulty finding work than white men. But in such cons, especially the young foreigners, have a judgment negative to white people and tend to discriminate against white people. But overall, I think Racism is episodic rather than systematic today. There are fewer prejudices, people’s are more ready to judge people on their behavior than on the color of their skin. We all share genetic markers so the idea of race is absurd, we are all fellow human beings. People are more open minded, also mixed marriages are more and more common. Even in schools, there are more lenient and less prejudiced against foreigners. I think all this also depends on our living environment, because not knowing life in the suburbs and other neighborhoods than mine, I can’t tell if discrimination is more or less elsewhere. Racism is not innate or inborn, it comes from fear. So we can overcome our hopeful. The blacks have come a long way from Martin Luther king, one day complete equality will be achieved. We are on the right track.
Posté le 21 mars 2010
Bon travail . Le début au niveau du travail c'est vrai tu as raison mais il faudrait nuancer en parlant des CV Anonyme par exemple. Je pense que c'est une bonne idée afin de montrer certains moyens permettent la diminution de la discrimination. L'ensemble de votre texte est convaincant, l'évocation de MLK est très pertinente ! (Malcolm X , est aussi une figure importante qui a accusé les EUA pour ses crimes contre la communauté noire. )
Posté le 22 mars 2010
bonjour je crois que ça serait mieux d'écrire i ingnore à la place de not knowing et 'racism is not innate or inborn ' dans cet phrase: innate et inborn ont le même sens
je croit que tous le reste est correct
Posté le 22 mars 2010
Merci :)
Posté le 22 mars 2010
D'accord merci pour ton conseil ;)

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