Les Indiens d'Amérique

Publié le 7 janv. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 janv. 2017 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Bonsoir j'ai un devoir maison en anglais. En effet, je dois rédiger un discours et je dois défendre les Indiens d'Amérique mais aussi les présenter (qui ils sont? d'où ils viennent? Comment vivaient-ils? Comment vivent-ils actuellement ?) J'ai fini et j'aimerai qu'une personne me dise ce qu'elle pense et s'il y a des fautes pour que je puisse les corriger. 



Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

INTRODUCTION : My dear fellow countrymen, the situation is serious! We are gathered today to solve the problems affecting the native American people. At present, much of that cultural heritage is lost. Indeed, there are more than 90 000 people homeless persons or under housed Indian families. Find you, it's normal? Aren't you outraged at such injustice?   
HISTORY OF THE NATIVE AMERICAN : The native american  are an important part of the culture of the United States.We must not forget them, we must not deny them, we must talk about them! While their people have lived on this land for thousands of years, today their numbers are dwindling. (Once, the Native Americans lived on this continent with little discourse and disruption). But When settlers first came to the Americas, Native Americans comprised 100 percent of the population here.   
Today, they account for roughly one percent of the total population. This drop in the proportion of the population is due to territorial conflicts, disease and resettlement, combined with the rapid growth of other population groups.  
The US policy of "Indian Removal" fragmented whole tribes and nations, placing them in a land with little agricultural value which they were not accustomed to. Native children were forced out of their homes and placed into boarding schools created specifically for them. Just put yourself in their place imagine that we take your children under your eyes, what are you going to do? What will you feel? In these schools, children were forced to speak English and were punished for practicing their traditional spiritual beliefs. Would you accept that we lead to forget your children where they come from, their stories, their cultures and who are they?.  
Many different laws were passed by various US presidents stating that the Indians should be removed. Such as president Andrew Jackson, who had a priority and this priority was the Indian Removal Bill this priority reflect the racism of the US population. In other cases, bloody battles were fought with lives lost on both sides. The Native American Indians were forced out of their homeland, prompting such legendary stories as the Trail of Tears.   
You who are here today how would you do if you were forced to leave your houses?  
Many people gave their lives for their people like Sitting Bull, who was a Hunkpapa Lakota medicine man and holy man. He was born in 1831 and died in 1890.  
He is famous in both American and Native American history, mostly for his major victory at the Battle of Little Bighorn against Custer, where his ‘premonition’ of defeating them became reality. Even today, his name is synonymous with Native American culture, and he is considered to be one of the most famous Native Americans ever. He gave his life to save his nation, his history and the cultures of his nation.  
Born in 1767 in Illinois chief Black Hawk of the Sioux fought the Americans during the war of 1812 on behalf of the British. He denounced the treaty of 1804 which expropriated his tribe for his territory, and refused to leave the land of his ancestors. In 1831, the whites used force to impose a new treaty which forced them to abandon their land. In April 1832, Black Hawk, with more than 400 warriors and their families, returned to Illinois after spending the winter in Iowa.  
He found his territory invaded by the settlers who refused to leave. These men are examples to follow and I have to follow their examples, you have to follow their examples, we must follow their examples. They gave their lives to save their people, these mans merits merely the respect of all mankind.  

With regard to their current way of life about 22% of our country's 5,2 million Native Americans live on tribal lands. Living conditions on the reservations have been cited as comparable to Thirld World. It is impossible to succinctly describe the many factors that have contributed to the challenges that Native America faces today, but the following facts about the most pressing issues of economics, health, and housing give a hint of what life is like for many first Americans. 
Let us take for example the reserve of Pine Ridge in the South Dakota which beats the most sad records of poverty on the whole North America: a Third World within the first world power (to know, ¼ natives of America live below the poverty line). The alcoholism is there often the only way of resistance in the depression. Here, the unemployment rate to approach the rate of the 75 %, the life expectancy confused men and women is the lowest of the western zone (approximately 50 years). 
The tap water and the hole in the sewer is rare there. How to change this situation, how to make known in the face of the world the situation of the so often stereotyped or victimized Native Americans ?   

That is why we ask: 
1 - That the space says of "nature reserve" by the United States, is right now a forbidden region of any forestry development to avoid the deforestation to the Amerindians. 
2 - That the United States ratify the international legislation on the native peoples (the Agreement (Convention) 169 of the International Labor Organization) as recommend him (it) again United Nations. Indeed, according to a recent report (relationship) of the Human Rights League, " by refusing to register the rights of the native peoples to the rank of his (her, its) constitutional principles, ballast the  
these peoples in a real social, economic and cultural dead end " (§25) and " continue to evade all the questions of fundamental rights essential to their survival, worth knowing , the property and the use of the ancestral lands and the resources, the civil and political liberties, the transmission in the future generations of the culture and the clean  identity " (§26). 
3 - That the Americans made proof of division and does not hesitate to offer some bottles of water, some bread and/or other one drinks / food to these poor people.   

We thank you for your intention and for your listening. By hoping to save these poor people who has to ask for nothing.

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 janv. 2017

Puisque  c'est un discours , pas besoin de titres, exprime les sous forme de phrases .

D'abord tu supprimes "INTRODUCTION "

HISTORY OF THE NATIVE AMERICAN: Je veux d'abord vous parler de ...



Et enfin ....PROGRAMS :
That is why we ask: 


Pour le reste, ce n'est pas dans mes compétences.

Posté le 7 janv. 2017

By hoping to save these poor people who has to ask for nothing.


Evite "poor" qui fait un peu misérabiliste.

Posté le 8 janv. 2017

Je pense que tu devrais supprimer "Introduction"

Posté le 8 janv. 2017

Pourquoi ? 

Posté le 8 janv. 2017

Pourquoi ?

Parce  que c'est un discours!

As-tu déjà entendu un orateur commencer par ce mot?

Non, il ne donne pas non plus les titres de chapitre comme, ça, au pire il rédige une phrase.

Dans ton texte, tu supprimes "introduction" , ton entrée est bonne.

Posté le 8 janv. 2017

Oh excusez-moi je pensais que la personne m'avait dit de supprimer " toute l'introduction", j'avais mal compris. Merci de m'avoir conseillé. 

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