Une petite dissertation sur [ ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE ]

Publié le 3 mars 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 mars 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Il faut que je fasse une " dissertation " sur le sujet : ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE en disant pourquoi ce serait positive et pourquoi négative.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai déjà commencé l'introduction mais j'arrive pas à trouver des arguments pourquoi ce serait positif.

Nowadays, everbody are under electronic surveillance. In fact, today specialists can see where you are, what you do thanks to your mobile phone, your bank card or society where you tell them about you. All that is saved in computer data and several organisations can collect all these informations in order to know your profile. That electronic surveillance can be positive but also very negative.

Electronic surveillance can be positive. It can warn any types of crime

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 mars 2010
Voici déjà quelques corrections de l'intro proposée.

Nowadays, everbody IS under electronic surveillance. In fact, today specialists can see where you are, what you do thanks to your mobile phone, your CREDIT card or COMPANIES you TALK TO about you. All that is saved in computer data and several organisations can collect all these information in order to know your profile. That electronic surveillance can be positive but also very negative.

Electronic surveillance can be positive. It can warn any types of crime.

La surveillance est positive pour te disculper en cas de problème judiciaire: tu es accusé de meurtre à Paris mais on peut voir que tu étais à Lille.
Un énorme retrait d'argent inhabituel peut éveiller des soupçons et mener à le conclusion que ta carte bancaire a été copiée/ volée...

Le contre est qu'il n'y a plus de liberté individuelle: "Big Brother is watching you", comme dans 1984 de G. Orwell.

Essaie de trouver des idées en français et on t'aidera derrière.
Bon courage!

Posté le 4 mars 2010
Salut, moi j'aurais mis ça^^

If one day you're accused of a murder you didn't commit, you can,with the electronic surveillance, proof of your innocence. For instance, you were in a shop at London (which was equipped with surveillance cameras) at around 12:pm. Afterwards you're arrested for have kill someone at the famous hotel of manchester city. One of the only ways to prove your innocence is to be able to shown a video which will demonstrated that you were somewhere else this day.
Posté le 4 mars 2010
Et ça aussi^^

Even if this technology is really fulfilling and helpful, it can also be quite intimidating in the meaning that human need to have their own closeness. It's a little bit unpleasant to be filmed while you don't get along with it.

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