Anglais - sujet à terminer

Publié le 28 févr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 1 mars 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois faire un paragraphe de 15 ligne à peu prés , sur le sujet suivant :Why Family is more important than friends .

Merci de M'aider .


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je ne l'ai pas encore commencez car je n'y arrive pas.
Svp pourriez vous m'aider je suis en classe de seconde .

7 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 28 févr. 2010
Depends on who your friends and family are. ^^ Give your personal opinion.

Si tu veux peut-être écrire toi-même quelques lignes et on pourra corriger ou améliorer?
Posté le 28 févr. 2010
en gros faut que tu dise pourquoi ta famille est plus importante que tes amis déja tu peux taider a l'aide du traducteur sur internet:voila après u peux dire genre que la famille tu peut conter sur elle que tu la connais depuis que toute petite der truk bidon mer fer pa tro compliker
Posté le 28 févr. 2010
Oui Mais est ce que vous pouvais commencez un peu ( vous inventer ) et ensuite je continuerai SVP
Posté le 28 févr. 2010
J'ai commencez quelque chose mais est ce que vous pouvais ameliorer svp : Unless you have a true friend, one who has been there with you for years and years, nothing can replace your family. While it is true that not all families are the same by giving support and being understanding no matter what, in the end as they say, friends come and go while your family will always be your family, no matter what. Even if you argue and never speak to each other for the rest of your life, you cannot change that fact.
Posté le 28 févr. 2010
Ou encore sa aussi :

I think family is more important than friends because our family more know about us especially our addition,we live together with our family longer than friends no wonder all our problems we can share with our family.
besides , I believe that family is more important than friends because family were there for you when your mom gave birth and your friends were not! Family are the ones who cared for you and your mom and dad are a part of your family and they gave birth to you and if it were not for them then you would not even be alive right now!
Posté le 28 févr. 2010
Je conclus voila est ce que vous pouvais me corriger :
Unless you have a true friend, one who has been there with you for years and years, nothing can replace your family. While it is true that not all families are the same by giving support and being understanding no matter what, in the end as they say, friends come and go while your family will always be your family, no matter what. Even if you argue and never speak to each other for the rest of your life, you cannot change that fact.
I think family is more important than friends because our family more know about us especially our addition,we live together with our family longer than friends no wonder all our problems we can share with our family.
finally , I believe that family is more important than friends because family were there for you when your mom gave birth and your friends were not! Family are the ones who cared for you and your mom and dad are a part of your family and they gave birth to you and if it were not for them then you would not even be alive right now.
Posté le 28 févr. 2010
Voici quelques corrections:

Unless you have a true friend, one who has been there with you for years and years, nothing can replace your family. It is true that not all families are the same by giving support and being understanding. No matter what, in the end as they say, friends come and go while your family will always be your family, in any cases. Even if you argue and never speak to each other for the rest of your life, you cannot change that fact.
I think family is more important than friends because our family know more about us especially our problems.In addition,we live longer with our family than with friends; no wonder all our problems we can share with our family.
finally , I believe that our family is more important than friends because our family was there for you when your mom gave birth and your friends were not! By "family", I mean the ones who care for you and your mom and dad are a part of your family and they gave birth to you and if they were here then you would not even be alive right now.

Je ne sais pas s'il y a les 15 lignes mais bon travail!

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