Biographie sur Agatha Christie

Publié le 16 févr. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 19 févr. 2017 dans 7A

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Bonjours ! Je voudrais juste savoir si mon devoir est correcte sans trop de faute ;) Mon professeur est plus que exigeant et j'aimerai bien lui montrer que je peux faire un travail de qualité ! merci d'avance ! ( j'ai essayé de parler en soutenu )


Voici mon devoir :


Agatha Christie remaines one of the most popular authors of all times. Around four billon copies of her books have been sold putting her alongside Shakespeare is the most successful writer in human history.
Christie wrote crime fiction during what's often called the Golden Age of detective stories. The period roughly between the two world wars. She was one of number of writers at the time mostly English and mostly women whose approach to writing crime stories was to make them puzzle.
Agatha Christie was born Agatha miller in eighteen ninteen. Christie was the surname of her first husband. Unlike her older brother and sister Louis and Margaret. She wasn't sent to school, this was common for girls in those days although. Agatha had already taught herself to read by the age of five. ( As a teenager, she read the Sherlock Holmes series) Her brother and her sister were away from home for most of the time so Agatha had a lonely childhood as a result she developped a huge imagination, inventing characters to share her games with. After her father's death when she was eleven, she traveled abroad with her mother, later she used quite a few places she visited for her stories. When she was sixteen she was sent to Paris for two years. She was a excellent pianist and might have had a carreer in music. Later in ninteen twenty she worked as a nurse in a Red Cross hospital close to Torquay during world war one. She worked as a nurse Looking after wounded troops she learned great deal about medicines and poisons in particular. This knowledge will be very valuable to her in her later writing
One day, with her sister, they had been discussing the crime novel of Gaston Leroux, Agatha said she would like to write a detective story. She publied her frst book the mysterious affair. During her writing career, Christie also wrote romantic fiction under the name of Mary Westmacott .

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

On doit juste passer à l'oral sur la biographie de Agatha Christie, j'ai essayé de parler en soutenu.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 16 févr. 2017

The period roughly between the two world wars: il manque un verbe

She published her first book : the mysterious affair.

Posté le 17 févr. 2017

Merci bcp mais c'est tout ?

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