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Publié le 6 févr. 2019 il y a 5A par lem2550 - Fin › 9 févr. 2019 dans 5A
5.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

"You can always look!" She thought. She was really proud of her, the perfect crime, no traces of the weapon. As for the 2 policemen, they empty the house, nothing!

After 2 hours of search, the police leave the scene, yet they are convinced that something is wrong. But of course ! The woman is in no way a grieving widow ...

Back at the police station, the detectives took stock. Jack said the door and windows were locked. So the murderer can have the key. And when her husband died, she was at the grocery store. Mary may be the murderer. A series of questions is put to Mari but no answers.


A case finally solved after ten years. Mary, is convicted. She allegedly stunned her husband with a frozen leg of lamb. After losing consciousness, she went to see the grocer as every day. She spoke to the grocer normally, and bought potatoes, and a cheese dessert. When the investigation proceeded to the crime, she began to sneer. Suspected by the police, after long analyzes, they saw nothing. The investigation was over without finding any culprit. But ten years after the fact, Mary Maloney confessed her crime, after her child grew up. According to the criminal court, Mary Maloney is sentenced to ten years in prison.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Pour ce qui est de ou j'en suis je n'ai pas commencé je n'y arrive pas Aidez moi SVP


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