Clichés espagne anglais

Publié le 1 mai 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 mai 2018 dans 5A

Sujet du devoir

Je doit présenter à l'oral quelques clichés sur l’Espagne et il faut que je prouve qu'ils sont faux.

Je vous demande si vous pouvez m'aidez à améliorer mon devoir. Merci

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Spain is a European country, it is located under the France. It capital is Madrid and it inhabitants are the Spanish.

First of all, all the Spanish are viewed as flamenco dancers.

-> This dance is native to the south of Spain. Moreover, flamenco is hard to learn.

Next, they are seen as lazy and they are said to take naps daily.

-> The Spanish must work

They are said to eat paella every day.

-> They also eat tortilla, another famous plate is Spain, but also fish, meat, vegetables and more.

They are said to love bullfighting

-> This sport is banned in Catalonia because of movements against animal cruelty.

All these stereotypes are wrong. Consequently, when you go in Spain forget these stereotypes.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 mai 2018

Spain is a European country located in the south of France. The capital is Madrid and the inhabitants are called the Spaniards.

A corriger dans le texte ==> Spaniards ( nom) au lieu de Spanish (adjectif)

Posté le 1 mai 2018



les mots en gras sont les fautes et phrases corrigées

[tandis que celui qui est en italique entre crochets, est a enlever]



Spain is an European country, it is located under the France. The capital of this country is Madrid and inhabitants are called the Spaniards.

First of all, all the Spaniards are viewed as flamenco dancers.

-> This dance is native to the south of Spain. Moreover, flamenco is hard to learn.

Next, they are seen as lazy and they [are] said to take naps daily.

-> The Spanish must work

They are said to eat paella every day.

-> They also eat tortilla, another famous flat is Spain, but also fish, meat, vegetables and more.

They are said to love bullfighting

-> This sport is banned in Catalonia because of movements against animal cruelty.

All these stereotypes are wrong. Consequently, when you go in Spain forget them.


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