Critique du film Oliver Twist (besoin d'une correction)

Publié le 30 nov. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 déc. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

je dois écrire une critique du film oliver Twist ( pas plus de 130 mots )
J'ai besoin d'une correction, j'ai du faire quelques erreurs.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Oliver Twist was write by Dicken and adapted to the cinema by Polanski.
Oliver Twist recounts the adventures of an orphan. He was born in a workhouse then he goes to London. In London he lears to become a thief.
It is an interesting film mixing friendship, and injustice.
He is accused of stealing a handkerchief then
he is discharget
. But Bill and Nancy look for him. The troubles begin ...
The sets of the film are real with the atmospere of London and his narrow streets.

Poverty, misery and violence are presents it makes the film darker.

Fagin, an old man, he can be wicket but nice
. The Dodger he is a pickpochet .
Bill an violent man, Nancy; he’s wife.Mr Brownlow is a nice man, he takes care of Oliver. The characters are good actors.I was impressed by the actor who plays Oliver.
I think Oliver Twist is a masterpiece
I will give him 4 stars because the movie is too long.

11 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 nov. 2011
- was written
- he lears? he is discharget? Ca ne veut rien dire.
Apres je ne sais pas mais, il doit surement rester des fautes.
Posté le 1 déc. 2011
OT was written by CD

...then he went to London

he learnt how to become a thief

..he is discharged = he is cleared

London and its narrow streets

The Dodger is a pickpocket

Bill is a violent man , he is married to Nancy.(Nancy is his wife)

Poverty, crime and violence are ever-present: it ....

The characters are well impersonated.The actors are good.

Posté le 1 déc. 2011
Bonjour Anaelle13,

Voici un corrigé intégrale de ta critique toutes les choses entre parenthèses représente soit des pures corrections, soit des changements personnelles pour améliorer ton paragraphe.

Oliver Twist (is written) by Dicken and adapted lately to the cinema by Polanski on (cela serait bien que tu précises l’année).
(The book) Oliver Twist recounts the adventures of an orphan. He was born in a workhouse then he (went) to London. In London he (learns) to become a thief. It is an interesting film (with a) mixing friendship, and injustice. He is accused of stealing a handkerchief then 
he is (discharged). But Bill and Nancy look for him. The troubles begin ...
The sets of the film are real with the (atmosphere) of London and his narrow streets. Poverty, misery and violence are (also) (present) it makes the film darker.
Fagin (is) an old man (and) he can be wicket but (he’s) nice
. The Dodger is a (pickpocket).
Bill (is) an violent man and Nancy (is his) wife. Mr Brownlow is a nice man and he takes care of Oliver. The characters are good actors. I was impressed by the actor who plays (the main character), Oliver.

(In my opinion), (this movie) is a masterpiece and I (give) him 4 stars because the movie is too long.

Il y a 183 mots mais je pense que c'est correct et que tu n'as rien besoin de supprimé.
J'espère que je t'ai bien aidé. Bonne chance et bonne continuation. :)
Posté le 2 déc. 2011
was written.
It talks about the...
In London he learns how to...
its narrow streets
Poverty.....are here to ...
Fagin....can be wicked and nice as well.
Bille is a violent man and he's got a wife, Nancy.
Posté le 4 déc. 2011
Merci !!
Oui en fait c'était he is discharged ! je me suis trompée en écrivant !
Posté le 4 déc. 2011
Merci !!
Oui en fait c'était he is discharged ! je me suis trompée en écrivant !
Posté le 4 déc. 2011
Merci beaucoup pour cette correction !!
Posté le 4 déc. 2011
Merci beaucoup pour cette correction détaillé !!!
Oui j'ai dépassée mais je n'arrive pas à le réduire...

Oui cela m'a énormément aidé encore merci !! :)
Posté le 4 déc. 2011
Merci beaucoup tina65 !!
Posté le 4 déc. 2011
De rien :)
Si jamais tu as du soucis pour supprimé des choses, tu n'as qu'à expliquer à la prof que tu ne savais pas quoi supprimé dans ce que tu as dis.

Posté le 6 déc. 2011
Oui c'est ce que je vais faire je pense !
Espérons qu'elle soit compréhensive ! :)

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