ecire une lettre à soit même en Anglais

Publié le 16 oct. 2019 il y a 4A par chacha29 - Fin › 18 oct. 2019 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, suite à un devoir en anglais je dois rediger, une lettre que je dervais ouvrir dans vingt ans. j'ai ecirs ma lettre, en anglais, mais n'etant pas a l'aise avec l'orthographe anglais, j'aurai besoin d'aide afin de m'indiquer si il y a des verbes conjugués au mauvais temps.


en vous remerciant par avance 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

voici la lettre:


     Octuber 17, 2019


Dear me of the future

When you open this letter twenty years will have passed. . It will be the seventeenth of October two thousand and thirty-nine andyou will be 35 years old. 

Many things have had to change since time, is not it ?


For starters I am in second at saint joseph in Toulouse,I have good grades and I’m studying a lot to succeed. I'm writing you this letter so that you see where you come from,did I think I would become ...


I sincerely hope that you will have the chance to be in good health, and to be happy, to have met the person you trust as well as a magical love. I hope this immense happiness will happen to you,sincerely.


Because today, , just thinking of creating a family, it seems to me totally impossible.



If not in twenty years, I hope you will be fulfilled in your work.No matter what you do, in fact,even if today I dream of doing neurosurgeon.Perhaps you will come after many years of study to become a neurosurgeon. Maybe you'll be a great surgeon, who will save lives,or maybe not. Maybe you'll do something else, as though, car saleswoman or airplane pilot. Or maybe mistress as you dreamed child.Who knows ? In any case,I hope that your job will enable you to live properly, and to feed your future family ...

I hope my future self, will have to keep this honesty, as well as his benevolence, but especially his perseverance.



I hope you'll be surrounded by people you love, that you will be surrounded by people that I am now, such as; Mayline, Mathéo and of course my family.


I wish you also to travel, may you have already traveled since twenty years?

Currently I really want to discover, discover Australia and all North America but also south, as the paradise islands.


Then I ask myself a few questions that you can answer now

-Is there still a lot of protest?

-who has been elected as the new president since?


I am passionate about photography, I hope to have improved in twenty years and that I could make exhibitions.


I wish you every happiness in life



PS : I'm playing saxophone and I hope to improve and I can play beautiful pieces now.

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