Enregistrement Ellis Island

Publié le 18 févr. 2019 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 févr. 2019 dans 5A

Sujet du devoir

Immaginez etre un immigrants entre 1892 et 1954 et vous etes envoyer a Ellis Island. Donnez votre temoignage (depart , pendant le voyage , vie en amerique )et enregister vous (1m30 min) . Sil vous plait je galere enormement sa serait tres gentil

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 19 févr. 2019

Yesterday I read a part of my personal diary to my children who were born in Unites-States, listen : Today, I have to leave my country where I was born toward Ellis Island. I am going to leave Italy and my family and becoming a migrant. I'm afraid because I don't know what will happen. the day is coming: it is the 7th of February 1902. I embark on the liner without money just with my hope. We are too many in a few space. When we arrive, there are severals controls : doctors, lawyers. I feel like a beast and it's a big disgrasse for me.

I am lucky, everything go on for me. So I could stay. It's very difficult because I only speack Italian, but I meet some of my compatriot and suddenly everything becomes easier.

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