sujet d'anglais tache finale

Publié le 4 janv. 2019 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 janv. 2019 dans 5A
20.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

sujet de tache finale d'anglais : you are a secret agent and you have to present your job orally to post your presentation on the sis website for potential new recruits to understand what beng a spy consist in. You should talk about the the clichés people have about the job, and what is it really like to be a spy: include what you do, the gadgets you use ( if any ), the qualities and skills required. Your presentation has to last for 2 minutes, and you will be allowed a 20 word note

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai séparé mon texte en 3 partis 


what i do

the gadget

qualities and skills 

J'ai demarré par "i would like to tell you about my job ... If you see that you'll be a potential new recrut. The spy job had many clichés so i'm not jb or lara craft and i don't have the same life. 

Le probleme est que c'est pour mardi et que je ne tiens qu'une minute à l'oral...

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