Traduction Anglais

Publié le 8 févr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 févr. 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je dois traduire mon texte en anglais :

Indigènes est le nom donné aux populations habitant sur les terres colonisées avant la colonisation.
Ceux sont les peuples descendants des premiers habitants des terres sur lesquelles ils vivent. Ce sont les descendants de ceux qui habitaient dans un pays ou une région géographique à l'époque où des groupes de population de cultures ou d'origines ethniques différentes y sont arrivés et sont devenus par la suite prédominants, par la conquête, l'occupation, la colonisation ou d'autres moyens.

Au cours des trente dernières années, les peuples autochtones se sont fortement déplacés de leurs terres traditionnelles vers les villes, pour chercher de l'emploi mais aussi à cause de violations et abus des droits de l’homme, notamment des droits à leurs terres et à la survie culturelle

Aujourd'hui, ces peuples s'organisent et luttent pour se faire entendre et demander le droit de vivre leur différence, le respect de leurs organisations sociales et la fin de l'exploitation des ressources situées sur leurs territoires.

Ce sont des Hommes comme nous, et selon la charte des Droits de l'Homme, nous sommes tous égaux.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je voudrais que vous m'aidiez à corrigé mon texte :

Natives is the name given to the populations living on the grounds colonized before colonization.
Those are the downward people of the first inhabitants of the grounds on which they live. They are the descendants of those which lived in a country or a geographical area at the time where groups of population of cultures or different ethnic origins there arrived and became thereafter prevalent, by the conquest, the occupation, colonization or other means.

During thirty last years, the people autochtones strongly moved their traditional grounds towards the cities, to seek employment but also because of violations and abuse the human rights, in particular of the rights to their grounds and cultural survival

Today, these people organize themselves and fight to be made hear and ask the right to life their difference, the respect of their social organizations and for the end of the exploitation of the resources located on their territories.

They are Men like us, and according to the charter of the Human rights, we all are equal.

Merci d'avance .

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 8 févr. 2010
tu as déjà bien travaillé et l'ensemble n'est pas mal du tout.
Je mettrais "lands" au lieu de "grounds".
"People" ne prend pas de "s" en général, sauf quand on veut dire "les peuples " donc ici: peoples
"Downward" n'est pas terrible - je dirais "descended from"
qui habitaient = who used to live (pour marquer la coupure avec le présent, n'utilise pas WHICH pour désigner des personnes)
populations of different cultures et origines......had settled and thus became predominant by/through conquest,occupation,colonization and other means.
During the last thirty years/For the past thirty years (ordre des mots)the native peoples have moved massively from their original/traditional lands to the cities in order to seek employment, but also because of the infringements/violations and misuse of human rights, in particular the rights to govern their lands and maintain their cultural heritage (j'interprète un peu).
se faire entendre: to make themselves heard/to have a say in the matter/
and to insist on (exiger)the right to live (verbe!) their difference, the respect of their social organizations and the end of .....
and according to the Bill of Rights (c'est la déclaration des droits de l'Homme aux USA) we are all equal (ou si tu veux reprendre le texte comme il figure dans la Bill of Rights: we are all created equal - le texte dit: all men are created equal and are endowed with certain unalienable rights etc....)
Si tu as des question, n'hésite pas.
Posté le 8 févr. 2010
Il y a quelques différences je ne suis pas certains de la justesse..........

Natives is the name given to the populations living on lands colonized before the colonization.
Those are the downward peoples of the first inhabitants of the lands on which they live. It is the descendants of those who lived in a country or a geographical region when groups of population of cultures or different ethnic origins(background) arrived there and became afterward dominant, by the conquest, the activity(occupation), the colonization or the other means.

During the last thirty years, the native(autochtonous) peoples strongly moved of their traditional lands towards cities, to look for the employment(use) but also because of violations and abuse of human rights, in particular the rights for their lands and for the cultural survival
Today, these peoples get organized and fight for being listened and asked for the right(law) to live their difference, the respect for their social organizations and the end of the exploitation(operation) of the resources
Posté le 9 févr. 2010
Natives is the name given to the populations living on the grounds colonized before colonization.
Those are the downward people of the first inhabitants of the grounds on which they live. They are the descendants of those which lived in a country or a geographical area at the time where groups of population of cultures or different ethnic origins there arrived and became thereafter prevalent, by the conquest, the occupation, colonization or other means.

During thirty last years, the people autochtones strongly moved their traditional grounds towards the cities, to seek employment but also because of violations and abuse the human rights, in particular of the rights to their grounds and cultural survival

Today, these people organize themselves and fight to be made hear and ask the right to life their difference, the respect of their social organizations and for the end of the exploitation of the resources located on their territories.

They are Men like us, and according to the charter of the Human rights, we all are equal.

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