Traduction d'une description d'une personne

Publié le 9 janv. 2013 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 16 janv. 2013 dans 11A
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Sujet du devoir

Donc voila je devais traduire ce texte :

Kate est une jeune femme âgée de 29 ans , elle est grande et mince , elle mesure 1m72 et pèse 57kg. Elle a un visage joufflue , des cheveux noir long , elle a un grain de beauté sur le coté de la joue . Sur la photo elle est vêtue d'un Tee-Shirt noir et une écriture rose et d'un pantalon noir avec des chaussure légèrement avec des talons et puis dans la main elle tient son sac rose .

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Traduction en Anglais ( que j'ai fait ) :

Kate is a 29-year-old young woman, she is big and thin, she measures 1m72 and weighs 57kg. She(it) has a face chubby, hair long black, her has a beauty spot on the highly-rated of the cheek. On the photo she(it) is dressed in a black T-shirt and a pink writing and of a black pants with shoe slightly with heels and then in the hand she(it) holds its pink bag.

8 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 9 janv. 2013
Bah ta traduction est bonne il faut juste que tu enleve les "it" que tu as mis entre parentheses! Et faut enlever le "her"! Normalement sa te donne ça:

Kate is a 29-year-old young woman, she is big and thin, she measures 1m72 and weighs 57kg. She has a face chubby, long black hair, and she has a beauty spot on the highly-rated of the cheek. On the photo she is dressed with a black T-shirt and a pink writing and wear a black pants with shoe slightly with heels. Then in the hand she holds its pink bag.
Posté le 9 janv. 2013
Merçi Bcp
Posté le 10 janv. 2013
Kate is a 29 year old young woman. She's tall and thin. She's 1m72 tall and weighs 57 kg. She has a chubby (or curvy) face, black long hair. She has a beauty spot on the cheek side. On the picture we can see her dressed in a black T shirt with a pink writing on and a black pants and with slightly healed shoes and in her hand she's holding a pink bag.
Posté le 11 janv. 2013
...she is tall and thin("big" signifie gros, grosse)
She is one metre seventy-two tall and she weighs...
She has a chubby face, long black hair(attention en anglais tous les adjectifs sont placés avant le nom), she has a beauty spot on the side of her cheek.
...she is wearing a black T-shirt with a pink writing and black trousers and shoes with small heels and she is holding her pink bag in her(right/left?) hand .
Posté le 11 janv. 2013
Pas mal ! she is big (pour grande) je mettrai "tall", pour des cheveux long noir je mettrai "long black hair". Pour le reste à voir...
Posté le 12 janv. 2013
Kate is a 29 years old young woman, she is big and thin, she measures 1m72 and weighs 57kg. She has a face chubby, long black hair, and she has a beauty spot on the highly-rated of the cheek. On the photo she is dressed with a black T-shirt and a pink writing and wear a black pants with shoe slightly with heels. Voici la traduction dsl j'arrive pas a traduire la derniere phrase
Posté le 12 janv. 2013
Kate is a young woman aged 29, she is tall and thin, it measures 1m72 and weighs 57kg. It has a chubby face, long black hair, she has a mole on the side of the cheek. In the photo she is wearing a black T-shirt and pink writing and black pants with shoes with heels slightly and then hand she holds her pink bag.
Posté le 12 janv. 2013
Kate is a 29 year-old young woman, she is tall and thin, she measures 1m72 and weighs 57 kg. She has a chubby face(ou- her face is chubby), long black hair and a beauty mark on the side of her face. On the picture she is wearing a black tee-shirt with pink writting and black pants with lightly heeled shoes and she has a pink bag in her hand.

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