Corriger ma rédaction d'anglais (devoir 4 du Cned)

Publié le 8 janv. 2013 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 15 janv. 2013 dans 11A
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Sujet du devoir

J'ai effectué mon devoir d'anglais n°4 du Cned, seulement j'aimerais que quelqu'un m'aide à la corriger.Après si vous voyez une fin un peu moins brutale que la mienne, n'hésitez pas à me conseiller!
Dans ce devoir, il fallait faire un rapport d'enquête sur Jack l'Eventreur pour clore l'enquête du l'enquêteur M. Aberline.
Donc voilà, merci d'avance pour votre aide précieuse!!

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Police Report
Criminal Investigation
Inspector Aberline, Scotland Yard.

Officially, Jack the Ripper killed five women. These victims were called Elizabeth Stride, Mary Jane Kelly, Catherine Eddowes, Mary Ann Nichols and Anny Chapman. They were all around forty years old and worked as occasional prostitutes. They lived all in the East End and were really poor.

After corpses were found, a Policeman Comptable called John Neil examined themeselves. They were brought to the morgue.

There were just a few witnesses, and their descriptions of Jack the Ripper were often incomplete and contradictory. We've just know he is an elegant man who goes out the fog to kill his victims before to going into night shadows.

Thanks to the doctor Ebbert, we know he's probably crazy but he's really intelligent ans is an educated man. He is rich and doesn't live in the East End. And thanks to John Neil, we know he's left-hander and he uses a butcher knife.

In this case, we had three suspects called Michael Ostrog, Prince Albert Victor and Henry Meatloaf. The first is a doctor, so he has the anatomy knowledge necessary and he' crazy enough to go twice in a lunatic asylum. But he's jobless and haven't got money. The second and best suspect is Prince Albert Victor. He's rich educated, violent and probably crazy. He's fascinated by prostitutes that doesn't help hi: in this case. Finally, Henry Meatloaf is a rich butcher, a buisnessman with three shops. The only detail is that he doesn't know how to read and write so he isn't an educated man.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 8 janv. 2013
Contribution of Police
Criminal investigation
Inspector Aberline, Scotland Yard.

Officially, Jack the Ripper killed five women. These victims were called Elizabeth Stride, Mary Jane Kelly, Catherine Eddowes, Mary Ann Nichols and Anny Chapman. They were quite around quarantes the years and worked (market) as occasional prostitutes. They lived everything to East End and were really poor (weak ones)((weaknesses)).

After corpses were found, a Policeman called Accountant John Neil examined themeselves. They were brought (brought) to the mortuary.

There were just some witnesses(batons) and their descriptions of Jack the Ripper was often incomplete and contradictory. We know just that he is an elegant man who goes out of the fog to kill his(her) victims previously in the entrance(entry)

( Les entres parhentese sans des synonymes du mot qui est juste avant ) Je sais que je suis seulement en 5 eme mais je suis américaine .

Pour la fin , je pense qu'il faudrait peut être dire : Grâce au docteur ( Nom ou bien Prénom ) Nous avons trouvé le tueur qui c'est suicidée nous avons trouvée que son corps . ( Peut être )
Posté le 8 janv. 2013
Merci beaucoup Smila! Mais pour la fin, je ne peux pas dire qu'il s'est tué car l'affaire n'a jamais été achevée, les meurtres ont juste stoppé. C'est génial en tous cas, merci pour la correction!

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