devoire 5 anglais

Publié le 18 janv. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 25 janv. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Tâche finale
Production écrite
Tu es élève à
Applewood School à Sydney en Australie. Ton professeur a organisé un concours. À cette occasion,
tous les élèves ont dû faire des recherches pour présenter la vie de l’un de leurs ancêtres. Ton ami
Ben a gagné le concours et maintenant le professeur demande à tous les élèves de lire le travail de
Ben puis de réaliser une tâche. Lis le récit de Ben et suis la consigne

Lis attentivement le récit de la vie des ancêtres de Ben. Maintenant, John Winterhayes a écrit une
lettre à sa mère quand il est arrivé en Nouvelle Galle du Sud. Imagine la lettre qu’il lui a écrit. Tu
devras mentionner les éléments qui suivent.
a) his feelings when he left England
b) how long the journey took
c) the weather, the food, other problems
d) his feelings during the journey
e) arriving in Australia.
Don’t forget to start and end the letter correctly.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

South Wales, 18th April.

Dear Mother,

I write you this letter to exchange of my news, I think of you a lot! I was sad by seeing you mourned on the quay to say goodbye to us... When I left England
I was afraid and sad to leave my family and my country, trip was very long and difficult! trip took three months at least, I did not see the end. There were tempests often and there were no foods to feed and warm himself up of cold,
I must have struggled with other men to keep my food, an edge of bread and a soup, it was our lunch and dinner, some dies of cold and hunger, I suffered a lot, I was often burned by the sun but, I have never left!
I was on the point to make a friend in the course of this trip, but he died from hunger second month. I was devastated, but I knew that I had to continue living! I am sorry to have flown from the food I do not deserve the bread this for only.
I hope that you will excuse me. I arrived in Australia at the South Wales in a colony of prison,
I was really relieved to be still in life! mum, we are in prisoners' camp. It is very hard we work all day long by constructing houses and by making. It is very hard.The soldiers look at us and beat us when we did not work rather quickly. I later hope to see again you.
I shall never forget you, to miss me to you a lot and I love you so much! Be in charge of you and of my brothers and sisters especially! I love you, forever!

Your son John Winterhayes who loves you

pouvez vous me corriger je suis nul en anglais je vous remercie d'avance

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 janv. 2012
au d but de ta lettre, mets Sydney, New South Wales

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