Fautes en anglais

Publié le 24 nov. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 27 nov. 2016 dans 7A
15.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Salut pouvez vous me corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît

I would like to tell you the history which terrified me when I was child I had whereas 4 years at that time I was very weak mentally and psychologically this day was one day like the others I were trotted with my mother and suddenly in a little time all rocked I did not have time nothing to see put except for an insane driver which reversed a rather large man who with the shock flew away I were then terrified and my mother who had followed of the studies of first aid sprang towards him and tried to reanimate it best than it could it but the weather was nothing any more to be it stays already dead. And there I live the driver to start at all speeds and to flee without nor two. This event and that which shocked me and I am still marked by it

Merci d'avance 

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 24 nov. 2016

Déjà la ponctuation.

Posté le 24 nov. 2016
  • History = l'Histoire (d'un pays)

pour une histoire que l'on raconte, on utilise plutôt story.

  • quand j'étais un enfant = when I was a child
  • on utilise le verbe être (be) pour l'âge
  • "were" s'utilise au pluriel,"I"est singulier,il faut donc mettre "I was"
  • effectivement,la ponctuation...

Il y a encore beaucoup d'erreurs.Mon principal conseil est: évite les sites de traduction automatique...


Posté le 24 nov. 2016

Fais des phrases simples et courtes

Ex : I were then terrified and my mother who had followed of the studies of first aid sprang towards him

Tu transformes en : Then I was terrified. My mother had studied the first aids. So she ...

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