Hip Hop culture

Publié le 24 janv. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 26 janv. 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Coucou je dois faire au moins 15 lignes pour résumer la culture Hip hop, j'aimerais que vous vous me dites si il y a des fautes ou si il y a des chose que je peut simplifier voilà tout et n'hésiter pas si vous avez des information à ajouter.
Je dois rendre ca demain après-midi! =] thank you d'avance!

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Afrika Bambataa, a former member of the gang the Black Spades, following the death of his best friend killed during a fight between neighbourhoods, realized the futility of violence, he decides to form a musician friends "nation" in the fight against poverty and violence.
In 1975 he instituted the hip hop culture with the slogan "Peace, love, unity and having fun! Knowledge and Truth! "
Afrika Bambataa also twenty imposes moral laws to turn negative energy into positive energy
Hip hop is also a passive medium of expression, there are several categories in hip hop:

Beak dancing, which is danced by Bboy (breakers)
To promote dance and captivate young, Afrika Bambataa 5 Recruited very talented dancers and created "the Zulu Kings.
Young people flocked from all over to attend events of the Zulu Nation and the first crews were beginning to take shape: the Bronx Boys Shanghal Brothers, The Seven Deadly Sinners, etc.. ...

Graffiti-which includes tags and Graff is a way to travel its name thanks to a simple signature or more sophisticated design.

The hip-hop brings together several disciplines that have evolved together: Mcing, DJ-ing and the human boxing.

The hip-hop arrives in France in the early 1980s,rap and DJ-ing began their ascent.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 25 janv. 2010

ton devoir est d'un bon niveau.

Que veux tu dire par:
-"Afrika Bambataa also twenty imposes"?
-"Graff is a way to travel its name"?

Il faut mettre "arrives" de la dernière phrase au prétérit (évènement passé).
Posté le 25 janv. 2010
tkt il n'y a pas de faute.

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