Resumer en anglais

Publié le 18 avr. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 avr. 2017 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Emily saint Aubert was crying in her bedroom , or rather , her cell , at the top of the castle of udolpho. She was gazing at the precipitous landscapes. This gloomy castle was surrounded by Woods ans high mountains. She was thinking of her happy days un her lovely home , and of the man she loved. ''Oh valencourt , when will you come and release me from this horrible prison ? Do you know where i am ? Why did count manfredi kidnap me and bring me to italy... On .... On a donkey !''
While she was speaking to herself , the door suddenly opened. A dark ans tall figure appeared. The figure of a woman. This woman was wearing a black cloak and a hood. Emily couldn't see her face , hidden in the shadow.
' lady Emily , i'm sister agnes. I've come to release you from this prison. Come , there is no tome to lose. Count manfredi and his handitti are coming up to see you !'' Emily took her little book of love poems and followed sister Agnès. Sister Agnès led her through a secret door behind the heavy purple curtains. There was a small vertical tunnel.
Sister Agnès opened another small door : there was a vertiginous staircase , going down. '' come , hurry up !'' she whispered. The two women started to run down the stairs. While they were running , Emily heard thé banditti call : '' lady Emily ? Lady Emily ? '
Suddenly , a rat ran across the staircase and Emily screamed. '' hush , they will hear you....'' Saïd the nun. The men were chasing them , running and singing with their horrible voices. Sister agnes stopped before a big black curtain.
'' this is the entrance to the dungeon. Open the curtain.'' while she was opening the curtain ,
Emily felt a shiver of anguish. She almost fainted. There was a deep dungeon that looked like a chapel. In the room , there were a dozen people , black figures like Sister agnes . they were holding torches. '' what are these women doing hère ? Emily asked , trembling , are they going to help me escape ?'' while she was saying this , she heard horrible laugh behind her black. She turned around. Sister Agnès removed her hood. Her face wasn't the face of a woman.It was a familiar face ; a terrible ,
Cruel face , thé face of count manfredi. '' no i don't think so '' he said , ''they are waiting for you '' .

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je dois faire un petit resumer au passe passif et au passe continious

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 19 avr. 2017

Je trouve ton resumé très précis, mais fais attention aux petits fautes.

Posté le 21 avr. 2017

c pas mal il y a quelque étourdis a vérifier 

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