I'm getting wired for a life in the country - Bts Muc

Publié le 5 janv. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 11 janv. 2017 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Sujet de BTS MUC, où se trouve un texte du magazine "independent new", expliquant le télétravail, ses avantages et ses inconvénients puis texte en Anglais à rédiger (198 mots) en expliquant ce qu'est le télétravail, dans quelle mesure il est adapté à notre vie future, et quels en sont les inconvénients et les avantages pour l'employé dans un 1er temps et pour l'employeur dans un second temps.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The telecommuting is a work in the house. Often, the telecommuters exercise their work with a computer and a printer. These persons have a contract of employment as the others employees. The telecommuting is adapted for my future professional activity because we use the new technologies. Then the telecommuting is a daily reality for hundreds of thousand employees in the world. Advantages for employee: The first advantage of the telecommuting it is because for the telecommuter it is the contribution of an improvement of the quality of life, then, it is him who manages his working organization. Drawbacks for employee: The telecommuting has drawbacks for the employee because it limits the contacts between the co-workers, what can be translated by a lack of cohesion and an absence of corporate culture. Advantages for employer: Then, this system they are costs (of rent of office for example) less and satisfied employees what contributes to develop loyalty of them. Then always equipped and having flexible hours, the employer can always count on his employee. (40) Drawbacks for employer:. In terms of drawbacks for the employer the telecommuting requires an adapted computer system, with rules of confidentiality and a secured access to the network of the company.

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