Notions anglais forms of power

Publié le 7 janv. 2018 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 janv. 2018 dans 6A
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Sujet du devoir

 voici ma notion pour mon oral de bac sur la notion forms of power, et notamment sur les advertising ( publicités ) merci de votre aide.



I'm going to talk about the notion places and forms of power. In politic and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations and laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. The power could be considerate as an authority exerted on people or things. The power also exists in the authority, in particular in the government of a society which wishes that his population is in the best possible conditions that why it calls on to their consent, it is democraty. But in certain cases, the government sets to be able to to the detriment of the good and some consent of his population, we call that the dictatur. This capacity of control can influence others in physical or mental way and can be exerted in many forms like the media and avdertisement. In what advertisements are form of power ? In first time we can see the principles of advertisements, and sit can have negative effect because it are present everywhre in our daily and its shows manipulation.


   Today the advertisement are present in our daily, we are exposed to advertisements permanently, as with panels on the roadside, on the radio or still on TV. These advertisements are very attractive because they take into account any sorts of products and they can suit for every generation. The advertising using a strategies of influence. In fact, it strategies is to put forward a product or a service. As said the video 1: advertising : what psychological tricks do they use? The goal is to sell and what the people say themselves " I want it, I need it ". That why it used 6 universal principles : reciprocation, scarcity, authority, commitment, liking and consensus. So the advertisement has a very important place in the economic market of the world.



  As says previously the advertising is everywhere, is cause of numerous problems. It is what explain the document : the power of advertising, the web magazine.This document denounces 3 big problems caused by the advertising,. One the one hand the advertising by its excess is enormously similar to the propaganda because it encourage, influence and indoctrinate the society by means of image, strengthening at the same time our society to be consumer. The second problem is environmental, the advertising is everywhere around us, the scientists were able to notice that it increases according to the years, causing our consumption to make the same thing. What does that the global warming becomes even more important, so threatening the durability of life on earth.To finish the advertising suffocate our imagination, because we think only of spending and of acquiring a great deal of the good.


  The biggest negative effect of the advertising, it the psychological manipulation that it uses. That denounce the video 2 : How marketers manipulate us. In fact, we think that we are not affected by advertising. But our choices, spending are influenced and affected by them. And its power is changes our opinion on a brand or product thanks to image. It is a danger because we are not the master of our choices, and thus we can put ourselves and other in danger without us realize because quite produced or servives are not beneficial.



  In conclude, certainly the advertisement is big progress today. But when it's excessive, it can be fatal for the society. Thus it is necessary to know that the advertising is only an image, which influence us and that our choices and our actions must be made by reflections and not by the simple vision of an advertising. 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

j'ai besoin de savoir si c'est bien et s'il y a beaucoup de fautes ou pas. J'ai encore le temps avant le bac mais j'ai besoin de différents avis merci !! :)

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 janv. 2018

c'est parfait mais essaye de changer les tournures de phrases


Posté le 9 janv. 2018

I'm going to talk about the notion places and forms of power.

In political and social sciences, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together, members of a community accept rules, regulations and laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. The power could be considered as an authority exerted on people or things. The power also exists in the authority, in particular in the government of a society that wants for its population the best living conditions, calling for their consent, it is democracy. But in certain cases, the government ignore people's freedom, the right to vote, the right to exerce any religion, we call that a dictatorship. This capacity of control can influence others in physical or mental way and can be exerted in many forms like the media and avdertisement.

How can we find a form of power in advertisement ? We will see the principles of advertisements, that they can have negative effects because they are present everywhere, everyday and are sometimes easily manipulating us


   Today the advertisement is present everyday, we are exposed to advertisements permanently, as with panels on the roadside, on the radio or still on TV. These advertisements are very attractive because they show any sorts of products and they can suit for every generation. The advertising uses strategies of influence. In fact, its strategies are to put forward a product or a service. As said in the first video: "advertising : what psychological tricks do they use?" The goal is to sell and make people say by themselves " I want it, I need it ". That is why it uses 6 universal principles : reciprocation, scarcity, authority, commitment, liking and consensus. So the advertisement has a very important place in the economic market of the world.



  As said previously, the advertising is everywhere, and causes numerous problems. It is what explains the document : "the power of advertising, the web magazine." This document denounces 3 big problems caused by the advertising. First, the advertising by its excess is enormously similar to the propaganda because it encourages, influences and indoctrinates the society with images, strengthening at the same time our society to be consumer. The second problem is environmental, the advertising is everywhere around us, the scientists were able to notice that it increases according to the years, causing our consumption to make the same thing. What does that the global warming becomes even more important, so threatening the durability of life on earth. To finish, the advertising suffocates our imagination, because we only think of spending and of acquiring a great deal.


  The biggest negative effect of the advertising is the psychological manipulation that it uses. That is what the second video denounces  : "How marketers manipulate us". In fact, we think that we are not affected by advertising. But our choices, spending are influenced and affected by them. And its power is to change our opinion on a brand or product thanks to images. It is a danger because we are not the master of our choices, and thus we can put ourselves and others in danger without us realizing because some products or services are not beneficial.



 To conclude,  the advertisement is certainly a big progress today. But when it's excessive, it can be fatal for the society. Thus it is necessary to know that the advertising is only an image, which influences us and that our choices and our actions must be made by reflections and not by the simple vision of an advertisement

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