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Publié le 3 oct. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 oct. 2016 dans 7A

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Traduction du texte de l'anglais vers le français

Japan emerged in the post-war period to become the unquestioned giant of Asia, and today remains the world's
number-two economic power after the US. But since the early 1980s Chinese growth has soared - and it shows
little sign of slowing. While China sprints forward, Japan inches along - and Japan is now feeling China's breath
on its neck.
In many ways China's growth benefits Japan. Last year, China overtook the US to become Japan's main trading
partner. The two economies are in many ways complementary, with China offering cheap goods and labour and
Japan dominating the hi-tech industries.
But it is China's unquenchable thirst for resources that has Japan worried. The two nations are now the world's
second- and third-largest oil consumers, and the race is on to secure access to energy and other resources.
In 2004, the two clashed over the route of an oil pipeline from large oilfields in eastern Siberia, with Japan
bidding for it to go to the eastern port of Nakhodna for shipment to Japan, and China urging it to end in the
Chinese city of Daqing. Japan won that battle.

BBC news Juin 2006
DO3 2/2
6180 H

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