Oral d'anglais sur les chaussures de sports

Publié le 10 janv. 2016 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 13 janv. 2016 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous,

Je dois passer un oral en anglais de 5 min en parlant du marché des chaussures de sport. Il n'y a pas de contraintes particulière, le sujet est vaste, c'est a moi de choisir de quel aspect du marché je veux parler et de developper. J'ai donc choisi le marché en France en général sans trop ciblé.

J'aimerais simplement que l'on me corrige la langue et qu'on me prévienne si la syntaxe de certaines phrases ne va pas.

Merci beaucoup et bonne fin de week end à tous.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici mon texte: 

Good morning everyone. It’s a pleasure to welcome you today. Let me just start by introduce myself: my name is **** Camille, I’m a specialist in sport footwear and if I’m here today it’s for talk with you about this market in France.
First of all, we are going to speak about the current market. In 2015 the market of sport footwear knew a real succes.
Indeed, during this year, sales increased by 12% what allowed the market to reach a turnover of 2,7 billion euro which (what) corresponds to 30% of the global footwear market in France.
The category of sports footwear which had most success is running with 20 % of sales and about 8 million buyers (especially the women who are only to them 40 % of sales).
We also notice that today 44% of sales are not bought to do sport: the sport footwear which were, before, bought by sportsman became today a real fashion accessory bought by everybody: sportsman and not.
Finally, the market of the sports footwear is a market which works very well, is dynamic but very competitive: The market is cut between various competitors: those who sell only sports shoes as nike or adidas, those who sell it while selling other shoes and finally the new competitors of Internet as Sarenza, Spartoo or Zalando.
With its numerous forms, colors, sizes, specificities, marks, the market of sports footwear conquered thus more and more French and also extends all over the world.
Well, that’s all I have to say. Thank you for listening. And, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 10 janv. 2016

First of all, we are going to talk about the current market. In 2015 the market of sport footwear knew a real succes.


Je te conseillerai de faire une conclusion sinon le reste est bien :)

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