tell me your holidays

Publié le 13 févr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 15 févr. 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Write a description of what you did duting the holidays. Make this as personal ans as interesting as possible, but tell the truth- I'm not asking for a fairy taile of a fictional story! Give as much detail as possible and be sure to include you personal thoughts and opinions.
(Word limit : 200 words, give or take 10%)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

As we had a lot of holidays, I've decided to not stay at home. First I made ski in Alps with my family. We had rent a hudge chalet because we were a lot of people. I love this sport ! I had a lot of fun there I love to be with my family because they mean so much to me.
Then I've decided to spend a month in Germany to improve my German. I was in Elsmhorn, a little town next to Hambourg but I was so disappointed because my time there was so boring. I just went to school and visited the family of my friend. My friend, Daniela, is my complete opposite ! She don't like to go out, to meet friend, to go in disco, to do shopping ! So I was so happy to came back to France on 02.02 ! More it was my birthday ! I'm now of age !
The last weekend before the University, I went to spain in la Roca to do shopping. It's next to Barcelona. I've so bought a lot of dresses and shoes. I can't restrain myself when I go there. I want to buy everything but it's a little bit expensive so I must be careful. This was a great weekend !
The only thing that I want to say is : "I can't wait for the next holidays !"

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 13 févr. 2010
quelques corrections (+ explications)
I DECIDED not to stay at home (il faut utiliser le prétérit)
First I WENT SKIING in THE Alps with my family. ("make ski" ne se dit pas, et les Alpes prennent l'article défini tout comme les pays au pluriel: p.ex. the USA, the Netherlands etc.)
We RENT a HUGE chalet....
The I DECIDED (il faudra peut-être varier aussi: cherchez des synonymes)
a SMALL town....I was RATHER disappointed
She DOESN'T enjoy going out and meeting friends and she isn't fond of going to the disco or doing shopping either.
Consequently, I was overjoyed to come back to France on February 2nd. On top of that, it was my birthday that day. I'm 18 at last!
The last weekend before GOING BACK to university I went to La Roca in Spain to do some shopping. I BOUGHT a lot of dresses and shoes.

Le reste est très bien et amusant :-)

Pour résumer: pensez à utiliser le prétérit pour parler des événements passés (decided, rent, bought) etc.

Bon week-end
Posté le 13 févr. 2010
merci beaucoup ! :)

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