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Publié le 3 oct. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 oct. 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Traduction du texte en Français.

Wind farms will provide about 5 % of Britain's electricity by 2010, according to the British Wind Energy
Association (BWEA).
In a new report, it says turbines are being installed faster than predicted. The report comes a day before the
government unveils a major review of its climate change policies. Entitled Onshore Wind : Powering Ahead, the
report claims to be the most comprehensive assessment of the UK's onshore wind sector ever undertaken. It
forms part of the BWEA's response to another ongoing government review on energy which is due to conclude
in the middle of the year.
The BWEA says that projects already constructed and those already approved will give a capacity of 3,000
megawatts (MW) by 2010. Taking into account potential barriers it identifies a further 3,000MW capacity which
it says is "forecast to be consented and built" by the decade's end. "Onshore wind can play a hugely significant
role in meeting renewable energy and climate change targets," said the BWEA's head of onshore,

Chris Tomlinson

6180 H (1)

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 oct. 2016


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